
Purple is the New Black

Filed Under: Life

I’ve thought for about a month now that I had thrush.

I wasn’t sure since Oliver’s latch was so damn bad starting out that I just assumed the pain was due to that.  Oliver’s mouth was decently clear, so when my pain went away I had every reason to continue with the idea that the pain had been due to poor latch – the pain had never been as bad as I had read.

When we went for Ollie’s two month check, I specifically asked her to check Oliver’s mouth for thrush and teeth. [He’s been chewing like a mofo.]  She diagnosed Oliver with thrush and suggested gentian violet.  I had been warned that it stained, but in my “I know more than you” attitude, I just assumed that everyone else had been doing it wrong.

Yeah…gentian violet stains.

A lot.

And that cap with the hole in it?  That’s not a “gurgle cap” like on a liquor bottle so don’t squeeze the bottle.

I was supposed to dilute the stuff 3 to 1 and ended up with 1/2 a cup of gentian violet.

It stained my thumb.

It stained the counter.

Hey, baby. How YOU doin'?

What did you do to me?!

What did you do to me?!

You turned my mouth purple!!!

You turned my mouth purple!!!

MY PURPLE...oh...what's up there?

MY PURPLE...oh...what's up there?