
Ollie’s Mohawk

Filed Under: Life

Today was one of those days when few things sounded better than taking a shower and putting on makeup.

If you’ve spent any amount of time with me then you’ll know that it is the rare occasion that I’m inspired to shower and makeup myself. I’m not saying I want to be dirty and under eye circled or anything but I work from home and my bosses are under the age of five. As long as they have food in their stomachs and are far enough away from one another so as not to chance some sort of physical contact, they’re happy.

Since I was getting all clean and shiny, Cara and Ollie wanted to participate as well–except for that clean part.

Cara and I are the people Ollie sees the most of and if we’re doing something then chances are good he’s down for it too. This includes makeup, nail polish, hair spray and deodorant but does not include spinach, broccoli and/or getting water in his ears.

Most of the time Ollie just wants to hang around the periphery and observe. Today Ollie was all in and let me spray him with wax and hairspray and mold his hair into a variety of styles.

This is the one he settled on: