Dark Mood Cometh Again

I can feel the wind shifting; I know it won’t be long now. My previous week of high productivity is quickly coming to an end. I’m looking around the apartment right now and I really could care less that the kitchen is a wreck. (sorry Kate) I am washing some clothes right now, but, with… Continue reading Dark Mood Cometh Again


Part Time Job

Tucker had a very an interesting proposal for me last night. Tucker – Why don’t I get a part-time job? Me – What? (because, like always, I really wasn’t listening to him) Tucker – I think I’m going to get a part-time job. I’m not taking any classes this semester and I really need something… Continue reading Part Time Job



I was over at Blogher this morning and read an interesting article that Leslie Brooks wrote concerning “redshirting” kids. If you don’t know what that is (cause I didn’t), redshirting is the practice of delaying a child’s entry into Kindergarten until they are physically larger or more “ready”. I’m originally from a town of about… Continue reading Redshirting

Rain, Kias and PJs

Did you know that it rains in Florida? You did?! Well, could you please inform the assholes who feel the need to drive with their hazards on when it’s raining? Please? One of the “hazard people” almost took us out. We were in our lane, they were in theirs…with their hazards a blazin’. The next… Continue reading Rain, Kias and PJs

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Ya Know?

The picture to the left really has nothing to do with what I’m going to write about. I just like it, ya know? Wait, did you catch that? The “ya know” part? Tucker mentioned that I say “ya know” after just about everything that I say. And, it’s driving me crazy! Why do I do… Continue reading Ya Know?

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More On UPS

On the 21st, I wrote about a guy I saw at UPS. I guess karma has come back to bite me in the ASS! Curious? After I wrote about Hawaiian print shirt guy, I got on UPS.com to see how much the guy would have had to spend to have Saturday pick-up and get it… Continue reading More On UPS

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Phone Calls Make Me Paranoid

I just got a call from someone from the county concerning Cara’s bout with Salmonella. To be honest, I’m not totally sure where she was from; wherever she said she was from it was enough of a shock that I totally forgot how she identified herself. Anyway, she started asking me questions about whether or… Continue reading Phone Calls Make Me Paranoid

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