Pictures Four Days Later


I thought that I’d share some more pictures with you.

The first is of my epidural/spinal site.  Took them three tries to get the spinal in right before my section.  But, at least I got a cool bruise out of the deal.  Kind of reminds me of a Rorschach inkblot test.

What shape do you see?

This is of my hand. My still very puffy hand. My IV site went bad and they wouldn’t change the damn thing when I told them that the thing was going to hell in a hand basket. Groovy bruise number two but you can’t really see it very well. I know you’re disappointed. Sorry. I tried but my camera was mad at me.

Puffy infiltrated IV site. 🙁

Lansinoh is the cat’s fucking meow. Oliver decided during the first couple of days to have a piss poor latch and I ended up with gnarly scabs. [Aren’t you glad I took a picture of the lanolin and not my nipples?]

Cause I didn't wanna post a pic of my nipples.

This one’s my favorite.

This is one of the pads that they gave me while I was in the hospital.  It’s about a 1/2 inch thick and you can see how damn long the thing is!  Gotta love hospital grade “sanitary”pads.

Granted, I do have a small hand. 😉

Ok…this one is really my favorite.

Oliver's finger toes.

By Amy @ Taste Like Crazy

I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.