
Boppy and Nipple Goop

Filed Under: Life


I love coffee.

My computer and Winamp with your streaming NPR and Glenn Beck.

Thank you for my sanity.

PBS, with your Martha Speaks, Curious George and Sesame Street.

I set my watch to you all.

These are just a few of the things that get me through the day.

In all honesty, I could live without them all but who wants would want to?

Two newborn specific things that I also love: my Boppy and my Lansinoh nipple goop.  Those two are life savers.

When it’s three in the morning and your nipples look like groung beef due to a lazy latch, it’s the little things that blow your skirt up.

Head on over to PBN to add your own “can’t live without ’em” post since they and Yoplait are giving away free yogurt.