Looking for Balance

*Originally posted about a year ago and posted again because it’s still pretty much true* Reading The Middle Place has gotten me to think about “the middle place”. That place where everyone knows you are an adult; you know you are an adult but you try to forget that fact. You have a husband and… Continue reading Looking for Balance

It was Cold and Stuff

The ICE STORM OF ’09 [!!!]. Well, that’s how the local news station like to word it anyway.  This area didn’t get hit too bad.  Granted, we were w/out power for a day and a half and the apartment got a bit chilly but all things considered, we didn’t have it as bad as most. … Continue reading It was Cold and Stuff

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Another Ill-Fated Trip

This weekend we were all set to head off to Alabama for the birthday party of some friends of ours’ son.  We got the truck/SUV loaded, the kids packed and set off Friday morning at a pretty early hour. Coffee was drank and the kids were napping and life was good. Somewhere right outside of… Continue reading Another Ill-Fated Trip


Week before last we took our SUV in to the SUV doctor and got the fluids flushed and all of this nifty car stuff.  We encountered a complete roadblock on the interstate while the road crew people were repainting lines.  Keep in mind that this was at 9am during the week.  We were at the… Continue reading Roadblock

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The New Stage Moms/Dads

I’ve written this in my head about twenty times today and then decided time and time again to not post it. When you talk about intelligence and kids in the same sentence, people tend to get their panties in a wad. First off, personal experience. I was always the child who preferred adults and much… Continue reading The New Stage Moms/Dads

Misshapen Head

Today was the day that I found my first, honest to God, grey hair on my head. I won’t actually write where I found the other one a few years back because I have family who reads this blog and who REALLY needs THAT one spelled out for them? ANYWAY, the first time that I… Continue reading Misshapen Head

Winter Hats


I’m rather hot natured by default so when I’m wearing two shirts, my Northface coat, a scarf and a sock hat, you know that it’s damn cold outside. Poor Cara wants to go outside and play but she gets as far as the open door and hugs herself and hollars “BRR!!!”.  No outside time for… Continue reading Winter Hats

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On Oliver


I honestly don’t know what to make of this little guy.  While I was pregnant with him I was a major bitch.  Friends didn’t want to know me and I think that Tucker reconsidered his love match more than once.  What’s funny is that Oliver is probably one of the happiest babies that I’ve ever… Continue reading On Oliver

I Love My Husband

So if it sickens you to read about someone talking about how much they love their spouse then I suggest you look through my archives since there’s TONS of conversations that demonstrate how juvenile my husband can be – anal bleaching and penis touching are two of my favorites. This weekend is Tucker’s “drill weekend”. … Continue reading I Love My Husband