The Unwanted Child

I was planning on writing about the farce that is sharing but I’ve saved that as a draft for a rainy day. Tonight, I shall write about Oliver. Some back story, though I’m sure I’ve probably written about this before. I found out that I was pregnant with Oliver on my birthday of 2007. [Jan… Continue reading The Unwanted Child

Randomness and Blog Whoring, How I Love Thee

Or would that be “thees”? I have a giveaway going on right now so let’s just get that out of the way at the get-go.  Click here to read my review of MilkBank and comment to win your own. Next, you may know [well, you do now] that I write for and I’ve posted… Continue reading Randomness and Blog Whoring, How I Love Thee

Did You Say Shredder?


Parent Bloggers is having a blog blast today called “Show Off Your Shedder” and every time I read “shedder” I read it as “shredder” and instantly think of this: You can understand why I read “shredder”, right?  Sophie’s a pit bull and like most terrors terriers she enjoys shredding paper…and fuzz…and stuffed animals…and she ate… Continue reading Did You Say Shredder?

Another House

Front of House

Let me explain something about this whole “house obsession” thing before I show you this really rockin’ house that I found.  [Don’t roll your eyes!]  I’ve always looked for houses.  Even when I was a kid, I looked for houses.  I am that person who would go to open houses just to see what they… Continue reading Another House

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30 Hours in a Day

I am notorious for taking too much on.  I don’t know if this is a manifestation [love that word] of manic periods or if that’s just how I’m hardwired but I’ve always done it and I’m starting to realize that I actually can’t do EVERYTHING and maintain any semblance of sanity. Good example: My senior… Continue reading 30 Hours in a Day

Maternity Pants and Adoption

This is apparently the week of Ollie.  Kinda like the year of the Ox but not nearly as long. I called Oliver’s pediatrician this morning and asked that she call in an antibiotic.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy breastfeeding my four month old with him sitting up…it’s just awkward.  That and the reason that… Continue reading Maternity Pants and Adoption

Great DVD Just Plug Your Ears


The “retro” cartoon character is in big demand right now.  The Cartoon Network has Boomerang that shows all of the classic cartoons from back in the day and it’s the only place that I can find Tom and Jerry-one of Cara’s favorite “new” cartoons. I think this retro cartoon thing is in response to the… Continue reading Great DVD Just Plug Your Ears