
After my virtual “breakdown” Saturday night on here and on Twitter over Oscar, I decided to stay away from the internet as much as was possible so that I could get my thoughts [and emotions] together. Maybe breakdown is a tad bit extreme but my emotions were extremely raw and close to the surface. At… Continue reading Relief

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I Miss My Cat

I know. I know! Some of you are tired of hearing about my cat. I know! He’s just a cat but dammit! He’s MY cat. I’m the one who saved him from a hurricane when we first moved to Florida when Tucker joined the Navy. Oscar was originally supposed to be named Zero [after the… Continue reading I Miss My Cat

Cara Reads Barney to Oscar

Ollie had his nine month appointment today. He’s 90th percentile for height and head circumference and 50th for weight. I know that I’m the only one who cares about that but I still felt the need to share. After the appointment, I took the kids to see Oscar at the vet’s office. The vet had… Continue reading Cara Reads Barney to Oscar


I’m Essentially a Coward

I’ve been putting off this post since about 9 o’clock this morning. That’s around the time that I called the vet to check on Oscar and around the time that Cara started “calling” Oscar with our home phone. You know it’s bad when you call to ask when you can pick up your cat and… Continue reading I’m Essentially a Coward

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