I wish my camera worked. The sky right now is perfect grey – classic winter sky right before it spits sleet or snow at you. Last night I stayed up and read Stephanie Meyer’s Midnight Sun partial draft. After writing about going to see the midnight release of the New Moon movie and now this,… Continue reading Grey Sky
Month: November 2009
Let Me Tell You About My Night
About a month ago, my friend Alana [HI, Alana! ] decided that I was going to see New Moon with her. On opening night. Alana really isn’t one of those people you argue with and so I went online, bought my ticket and spent the next month stressing about how Tucker would handle the fact… Continue reading Let Me Tell You About My Night
Spare Parts
If you were following me yesterday on Twitter then you got to read me live tweeting my Nikon camera repair. Correction. You got to read about me shocking myself numerous times while I ripped into my Nikon. We’ve had this camera since 2005 and it’s served us well but a couple of weeks ago, it… Continue reading Spare Parts
Spread the Word
Yesterday I hopped on Twitter and saw the hashtag “#prayersforAnissa” and had no freakin’ clue what was going on. After asking a couple of people, I found out that Anissa had a stroke yesterday afternoon and was/is in ICU. I met Anissa in person this past July when I went to BlogHer. I already “knew”… Continue reading Spread the Word
The Best Apples I Can
When I was little, I went to church with my grandma and grandpa whenever I was at their house on Sundays. Since my mom worked several jobs when I was little, I was at my grandparents’ house a lot. One thing that I can vividly remember about that church is the smell of the place:… Continue reading The Best Apples I Can
I Need Flexible Boobs
Ollie’s 14 months old now. He’s been walking for months, nods his head “yes” and “no”, beats up on his sister and does long division. OK. So the beats his sister up part isn’t true… Anyway, one thing Oliver doesn’t do is sleep through the night. He’s normally in bed by 7 or 7:30 and… Continue reading I Need Flexible Boobs
I Couldn’t Come Up with a Snazzy Title
Am I the only person who still hasn’t gotten the whole daylight savings time thing down? It just seems unnatural for it to be bright as noon when it’s only 6am. Of course, once it’s light outside, my children [who were apparently birds in a former life] are awake and loud and demanding breakfast and… Continue reading I Couldn’t Come Up with a Snazzy Title
My Basket
Any blogging “expert” will tell you that the key to blogging “success” is to write and write often. Based on my performance recently, I suppose I’m on the fast track to blogging failure. It’s just that right now, I feel like I have this basket [mine’s one of those old timey wicker affairs that I… Continue reading My Basket