Videos of the Day

Cara has this tendency to fixate on things and after about a month she’s done with the object of her obsession. At the moment, her fixation is this viral video of a chameleon walking across sunglasses and changing colors as it does. The video is fake – it’s an ad for Ray-Bans but Cara doesn’t care and the… Continue reading Videos of the Day

Dentist Drama

I’ve known this day was coming for a long, long time. Six months long time. The kids’ dentist. By myself. At least when Tucker’s with me I’m able to pass one kid off on him and focus on whichever kid I decided to be responsible for. Not today. Today was Oliver’s first official visit and… Continue reading Dentist Drama

Laws of Illusion

When I was in high school – probably my Junior year – I met my “first love” and fell just as hard and thoroughly as one would expect. And, as is almost always the case, it didn’t last and I was a wreck. I sulked. I cried. Basically, I reacted much the way I figure… Continue reading Laws of Illusion

Shiver and Linger

Let’s talk about werewolves, shall we? I know, I know. You think you’re all werewolved out, what with the whole Twilight thing. Heck, even if you’ve never seen one of the movies or read one of the books, you’re sure to have seen one of the many, many commercials. The main reason I bring up… Continue reading Shiver and Linger

Shiver and Linger: Reviews and a Contest

Let’s talk about werewolves, shall we? I know, I know. You think you’re all werewolved out, what with the whole Twilight thing. Heck, even if you’ve never seen one of the movies or read one of the books, you’re sure to have seen one of the many, many commercials. The main reason I bring up… Continue reading Shiver and Linger: Reviews and a Contest

Things Fall Apart

I officially lost it last night. I thought I would be OK and I was pretty sure I was going to hold it together until last night. I had to go to Target with the kids yesterday and though it wasn’t the horrible, soul reaping experience I had feared it would be, it had a… Continue reading Things Fall Apart

The Iron King Review and Giveway

If you look at the books that have been coming out in recent years, you’re sure to notice the many, many supernatural/fantasy books out there. Harry Potter1 should probably get some of the credit as one of the most recent series of fantasy books to sell like hot cakes. And then there was the Twilight… Continue reading The Iron King Review and Giveway