Brenda Novak Guest Post: Increasing Productivity and Maintaining Balance

This is a guest post by Brenda Novak and is part of her White Heat blog tour. Hope you enjoy it and it gets you to thinking. Time Management is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Why? Because one thing I don’t plan into my day is time to relax and just “hang,” and… Continue reading Brenda Novak Guest Post: Increasing Productivity and Maintaining Balance

The Container Store $100 Gift Card Giveaway

So, since you’re good people, I thought I would let you in on this sweet giveaway I’m doing. On second thought, I guess it wouldn’t be a giveaway if you didn’t know about it. Here’s the deal. I have a $100 gift card to The Container Store to give one of you sunny, happy people.… Continue reading The Container Store $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Word of the Day: Haustellum

haus·tel·lum [haw-stel-uhm] n. plural haus·tel·la [haw-stel-uh] (in certain crustaceans and insects) an organ or part of the proboscis adapted for sucking blood or plant juices. My grandpa used to give me words like this to lookup in his 50 million pound dictionary. The thing smelled like leather and dirt and coffee and pipe smoke. Did I mention it was heavy? So why is haustellum a word my grandpa would have “assigned” to me? Because… Continue reading Word of the Day: Haustellum

Word of the Day: Gerascophobia

Medical terms are stupid because they don’t structure  the definitions like they’re structured in regular dictionaries. I’m feeling punchy today. Just go with it. So, Gerascophobia. This is a fun phobia. Sufferers of this fear experience undue anxiety about aging even though they may be in good health–physically, economically and otherwise. They may worry about… Continue reading Word of the Day: Gerascophobia

Word of the Day: Flânerie

flâ·ne·rie    [flahnuh-ree] n. French. idleness dawdling [Origin: French, from flâner ‘saunter, lounge’.] This is the perfect word for anyone who just doesn’t feel like doing a damn thing. The couch is your friend and work is something to put off for another day. I got some stuff done yesterday but for the most part, I was… Continue reading Word of the Day: Flânerie

Word of the Day: Elephantiasis

el·e·phan·ti·a·sis   [el-uh-fuhn-tahy-uh-sis, -fan-] n. 1.Pathology . a chronic filarial disease resulting in lymphatic obstruction, characterized by marked enlargement of the parts affected, esp. of the legs and scrotum, transmitted by mosquitoes. 2.Untoward growth or development: bureaucratic elephantiasis. [Origin: 1575–85; < L < Gk elephantíāsis, equiv. to elephant- elephant + -iāsis -iasis] The first thing I… Continue reading Word of the Day: Elephantiasis

Living Will: A Joke

My friend Alana occasionally emails me forwarded jokes she gets  while she’s in the salt mine better known as the bank where she’s employed. This joke was one of those where you had to scroll down like two mouse rolly ball rolls so you could get passed all of the junk and get to the joke.… Continue reading Living Will: A Joke

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