Cara’s birthday party is this weekend…her fourth birthday party…the one I’m trying to not think about too much since then I’ll have to admit I’m about to have a four year old.
And it’s not that I have an issue with her getting older. I’ve said before I love all these different phases. I even loved her “constant crying” phase when she was a baby because eventually she was quiet and happy and all that crying made those quiet happy times even more special.
OK. Maybe I DO have a tiny, itty bitty, minuscule issue with her getting older but it’s about me and my issue with getting old and not with her growing up. Yeah. Going to have to deal with that since I expect many and many more birthday parties for Caroline.
At any rate, she’s been blessed/cursed with a birthday very close to Halloween and though it might not always be this way, her last couple of birthdays were decidedly Halloween themed.
But, she is only going to be four and hard-core Halloween stuff is out of the question.
Hello Kitty Witch – courtesy of Jana.
How perfect is that for Cara? The kid who has loved Hello Kitty since she realized she could love something. Kinda the perfect storm of awesome if you ask me. Just like Oliver’s monkey cake topper was fabulous for him.
I’m making Cara’s cake – two tiered with the top being strawberry[1] and the bottom being chocolate[2] – and Tucker volunteered to frost it. But now that I think about it, I suspect he volunteered not out of the goodness of his heart but because he wants to “sample” the frosting as he goes.
I’ll be sure to post a bazillion pictures of the party since I know Mom will want to see them and I know Jana[3] will want to see Hello Kitty up on the cake.