Last week was one of those weeks where I felt beat by the world. I’m not being sarcastic. Picture the world with big Arnold Swartzenager arms crashing down on my shoulders and pounding me down into the dirt like a tent stake or something. Things just piled up on me and by the end of… Continue reading Accentuate the Positive, Yo
Month: October 2010
Wherein I Decide if You Can’t Beat Them You Put Down a Lot of Paper
For several months we swore off crayons. When the kids would get a box, more than 3/4 of the wax sticks would get broken – accidentally or not – and the other 1/4 would have their paper torn from them and then used in “cakes”. Cakes being these things lovingly crafted by Cara containing wooden… Continue reading Wherein I Decide if You Can’t Beat Them You Put Down a Lot of Paper
Ragu No Frying Chicken Parmesan Review and $100 Giveaway
This is a sponsored review from BlogHer and RagĂș. There are two vegetables I can get Cara and Ollie to eat: green beans and corn. Other than those two, my chance of getting anything resembling a vegetable into them is slim to none. People have suggested I “sneak” veggies into sauces and substitute vegetables for… Continue reading Ragu No Frying Chicken Parmesan Review and $100 Giveaway
One Step Ahead Coupon Codes
I know this isn’t my usual kind of post but it’s relevant to what I’m doing today and I’m feeling charitable SO I figured I’d share this with you. I’m in the process of ordering some stuff from Mom for Cara’s birthday: a realistic kitchen set from One Step Ahead. I freakin love this catalog; if… Continue reading One Step Ahead Coupon Codes