They don’t really taste like crazy. That was just low hanging fruit. But now you’re thinking, “Amy, what the heck are talking about and why are you writing an entire post about these ‘baby feeds’?” I’m glad you asked! First off, baby feeds is what I’m calling the category feeds I’ve set up. The ones… Continue reading Baby Feeds Taste Like Crazy
Year: 2010
If the Nativity Happened Today
It’s almost Christmas and I haven’t written hardly anything on it. My geekiness has kicked into high gear and there’s so much cool stuff to see that I just can’t keep it to myself. So, when Karla shared this on Facebook and I had to share it with you. Heck of an interesting take on the… Continue reading If the Nativity Happened Today
Superhero Undies
There are certain events in a man’s life which should be recorded for posterity. The first time he took a step. The first time he said something meaningful. The first time he crushed a beer can on his forehead. You know…the important things. Ever since Cara got herself potty trained, I’ve been counting down the… Continue reading Superhero Undies
Spectacular Train Wreck or a Spectacular Success
What have I gotten myself into? You might have noticed the little pink box over on the right that says, “I’m speaking!” Yay and stuff! Except talking to a group of people scares the crap out of me. Hence the “What have I gotten myself into?” thing. The session is on the Beginner track and… Continue reading Spectacular Train Wreck or a Spectacular Success
Besparkled Christmas Unicorns
SWAGG is a free mobile app that lets you shop smarter using your mobile phone. Buy, send or swap SWAGG GIFTS and organize your old school plastic gift cards. For every download of the app between now and Dec. 31, 2010, SWAGG will donate $1 to Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) , up to $125,000.… Continue reading Besparkled Christmas Unicorns
Mario Bros. Reloaded
Just like you, I remember me writing the post about you choosing what you read since I was–AM!–going to let you selectively subscribe to the blog based on topics.Time got away from me and stuff got in the way and I’m going to try to get the category subscription thing done today. This is another one of… Continue reading Mario Bros. Reloaded
Outdoor/Camping/Zombie Preparedness Christmas List
So I’m a bit late when it comes to the 12 days of Christmas thing and I didn’t even plan on doing any special Christmas lists but since I’ve already done the kitchen list–a very nice list–I might as well do a couple more. This list only goes over shelter, bags, packs and fire starters.… Continue reading Outdoor/Camping/Zombie Preparedness Christmas List
Jeopardy!’s Ken Jennings & Brad Rutter Take On IBM’s Watson for 1M Bucks
This is a geek/tech/dork thing. If you’re not interested in increasing your dork authority, then I suggest you head to my archives and check out the stuff there since I’ve written some cool stuff—if I do say so myself. When I worked for b5media, I was signed up for all kinds of news/pr websites where… Continue reading Jeopardy!’s Ken Jennings & Brad Rutter Take On IBM’s Watson for 1M Bucks
Pardoned By Christmas Lights
It’s all my fault; I tempted fate. Each time Tucker goes to drill, I write about how great the kids are for me; they always go easy on me. When he left Friday and the kids went completely crazy, I should have just shrugged my shoulders and gone with it. When Ollie kicked Cara in… Continue reading Pardoned By Christmas Lights
Crying Day or I’m About to Cry Cause It’s That Time
And by “that time” you know what I’m talking about. Tucker’s at drill which is a good thing since I would be driving him crazy right now and I’d start crying and he’d give me that boy look and try to fix whatever was making me cry but he can’t fix my hormones so his… Continue reading Crying Day or I’m About to Cry Cause It’s That Time
Braided Egg Bread Recipe
This is one of those bread recipes where it looks like you REALLY knew what you were doing and look at the amazing baker you are! but the hardest part of this recipe is portioning out the dough and then not ripping it. You can do this. Promise. Stuff you need first: ~ 3 cups… Continue reading Braided Egg Bread Recipe
Geek Links
This was supposed to have gone up earlier today but it kept getting away from me. Silly tech links. SO, instead of adding interesting and witty comments, I’m pretty much just gonna link to stuff I came across today that found interesting. I promise pithy comments next time. Did Wikileaks just become your problem? CONFIDENTIAL!… Continue reading Geek Links