How To Customize {0 Comments} In Thesis


Over the past month, I’ve been redoing a site and I’m just about done. However, there was one part that kept me crossing my eyes and aimlessly searching the Google for a solution: How the heck do you change the text of {0 Comments} on the front page of the Thesis theme?! My personal solution–on… Continue reading How To Customize {0 Comments} In Thesis

Give Me Your Laughs, Your Comments, Your Huddled Animated Gifs

I’ve been working a lot on Alli’s sites and basically have had nothing to say. When you don’t do much other than bitch at CSS and PHP and mutter to yourself about drop shadows, it’s hard to come up with something interesting, engaging and all around awesome to write. That and the fact that anytime… Continue reading Give Me Your Laughs, Your Comments, Your Huddled Animated Gifs

Ten Minutes of a Psychic Reading for Me


I must admit I’m not quite sure how to start out a post about me calling for a psychic reading because I got a DM on Twitter from Cecily. But I guess that pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? I went digging through the Hollywood Psychics site and you’d think some of those folks… Continue reading Ten Minutes of a Psychic Reading for Me

What Does Well Look Like?

Tambako the Jaguar

Each time, at the end of my session, my counselor gives me homework, of sorts. I know it’s meant as something to center my thinking and as a therapy outside of the confines of her office. I get that and I struggle with her questions. Two months ago the question was: what do you think causes your… Continue reading What Does Well Look Like?

Get a Strong Opinion


I read a post a couple of weeks ago that hypothesized the only way someone became successful at blogging was by taking a strong stance on something. This line of thinking has been going on since the end of last year when I was compiling a list of my favorite posts on Taste Like Crazy… Continue reading Get a Strong Opinion


Jana says, "...u have gang d on ur foot..."

I broke my foot. Pretty sure I did. ACTUALLY, I’m going to blame this one on Sophie since I was taking her out to pee when I stepped on the curb weird and my foot popped and a purple spot showed up on the top of my foot. It’s in the mid-forties outside so when… Continue reading BROKEN FOOT

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Brain Shutdown


Thanks to Crystal Light for sponsoring this post. To learn more about how Crystal Light can flavor your day with 30 refreshing flavors, visit I’ve decided balance isn’t possible. How’s that for a depressing way to start out? Maybe balance just isn’t possible for me? At any rate, all I can hope for is… Continue reading Brain Shutdown