We’re Evacuees Because of the Alabama Tornadoes

Cara and Ollie in the bathtub because of the tornadoes.

Growing up in Arkansas, I’ve been through my fair share of tornado warning and spent my time in my grandma’s storm cellar and in tubs.  What happened on Wednesday was unlike anything I’ve ever been through. In fact, it was unlike anything anyone had been through in North Alabama. I don’t know the exact time… Continue reading We’re Evacuees Because of the Alabama Tornadoes

Kidnapped By the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Bread

The Easter Bunny grabbed me up and spirited me away to his burrow in Candy Land and he kept calling me Alice which freaked me out a bit but anyway, THAT’S where I’ve been. And now I have very odd mental images floating around in my head. Wonderful. And by “wonderful,” clearing I mean “damn.”… Continue reading Kidnapped By the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Bread

Fallout: Nuka Cola Fan Film

Fallout 3 was one of those games I got sucked into and just couldn’t quit. It’s a game that has all the things a girl could want: post-apocalyptic settings, ghouls, Super Mutants and V.A.T.S. And then there’s New Vegas–which I haven’t played because the damn thing was $60 and we had to buy diapers or something.… Continue reading Fallout: Nuka Cola Fan Film

Buy Heather Solos’s Home-Ec 101 Because You’re Dirty

Disclosure: Heather's a friend of mine but if her book sucked, I wouldn't have offered to review it and I definitely wouldn't be giving two copies of the book to two of you.
Home-Ec 101 book cover

OK. Maybe YOU’RE not dirty but your house is. Your clothes are getting ratty. You don’t know the meaning of pinch or poach. And you didn’t realize any of these horrors until you read Heather Solos’s book, Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living–titled after her wildly popular website. Well now you think you shouldn’t read… Continue reading Buy Heather Solos’s Home-Ec 101 Because You’re Dirty