Growing up in Arkansas, I’ve been through my fair share of tornado warning and spent my time in my grandma’s storm cellar and in tubs. What happened on Wednesday was unlike anything I’ve ever been through. In fact, it was unlike anything anyone had been through in North Alabama. I don’t know the exact time… Continue reading We’re Evacuees Because of the Alabama Tornadoes
Month: April 2011
My Business Cards Don’t Suck!
Since I’m heading to L.A. in just over a month for E3, I needed business cards. I still have some minicards floating around from 2007 but they all have b5media on them and since b5 canned all of their staff writers–myself included, I’m not in the mood to give them real estate on my business… Continue reading My Business Cards Don’t Suck!
Cara’s Pretty Problem
One of the problems with staying at home with Cara and Ollie is I know how they act but I don’t know how “normal” kids act. And by “normal,” I don’t mean my kids are abnormal–though they are pretty weird which is Tucker’s fault–but I don’t know if some of their interesting quirks are things all… Continue reading Cara’s Pretty Problem
Braided Easter Egg Bread Recipe
I said yesterday I’d give you the recipe for the Easter Egg Bread I made so here ya go. I’ve had this recipe kicking around for a while but I already had a braided bread that I make a lot so I figured I didn’t need another one. I was so wrong. Trust me. Yum.… Continue reading Braided Easter Egg Bread Recipe
Kidnapped By the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Bread
The Easter Bunny grabbed me up and spirited me away to his burrow in Candy Land and he kept calling me Alice which freaked me out a bit but anyway, THAT’S where I’ve been. And now I have very odd mental images floating around in my head. Wonderful. And by “wonderful,” clearing I mean “damn.”… Continue reading Kidnapped By the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Bread
I’m Going To E3 Cause I’m a Winner
Remember way back when when I wrote about KmartGamer taking three very lucky bloggers to E3 with them and how it would be all paid for and stuff and HOLY FREAKING COW! At least that’s how it was to me in my head–consider yourself lucky you don’t have to be in there all the time. As… Continue reading I’m Going To E3 Cause I’m a Winner
Konami’s Silent Hill: Downpour Screens
A while back, I wrote that one thing about wanting Kmart to take me to E3 with them and included Silent Hill: Downpour in the list of games I want to get a good look at. They’re pretty cool and dark and spooky and they give me the creeps which probably means I’ll play a… Continue reading Konami’s Silent Hill: Downpour Screens
Fallout: Nuka Cola Fan Film
Fallout 3 was one of those games I got sucked into and just couldn’t quit. It’s a game that has all the things a girl could want: post-apocalyptic settings, ghouls, Super Mutants and V.A.T.S. And then there’s New Vegas–which I haven’t played because the damn thing was $60 and we had to buy diapers or something.… Continue reading Fallout: Nuka Cola Fan Film
Buy Heather Solos’s Home-Ec 101 Because You’re Dirty
OK. Maybe YOU’RE not dirty but your house is. Your clothes are getting ratty. You don’t know the meaning of pinch or poach. And you didn’t realize any of these horrors until you read Heather Solos’s book, Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living–titled after her wildly popular website. Well now you think you shouldn’t read… Continue reading Buy Heather Solos’s Home-Ec 101 Because You’re Dirty
DIY Eco Friendly Egg Carton Laptop Desk Thing
Today’s discovery is brought to you by breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs and french toast. Darwin, my laptop, is a great machine that does all kinds of wondrous things but a by product of all that awesome is A LOT of heat. Heat I’m surprised hasn’t led to a first degree burn or two on my… Continue reading DIY Eco Friendly Egg Carton Laptop Desk Thing
Ollie. A Bead. The Emergency Room.
Thanks goodness for Notepad ++. Cause that’s where I’m typing this right now. Though you just assume I typed this into the magical blogging thing and out popped this post thing. Silly reader. Our wireless router has finally given up the ghost and we’ll have a connection for a minute and then no connection. Translation?… Continue reading Ollie. A Bead. The Emergency Room.
I Mention Blueberry Beer At the End of This
THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN. O M JAYSUS. I’m pretty sure I have that out of my system. Probably. It’s all over the news. All over Twitter. All over Skype. All over our house. Well…all up in our conversations cause Tucker’s a contractor and he drills for the Navy and we don’t know if he’ll be going… Continue reading I Mention Blueberry Beer At the End of This