Kidnapped By the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Bread


The Easter Bunny grabbed me up and spirited me away to his burrow in Candy Land and he kept calling me Alice which freaked me out a bit but anyway, THAT’S where I’ve been.

And now I have very odd mental images floating around in my head. Wonderful.

And by “wonderful,” clearing I mean “damn.”

Actually, Tucker took Friday off and I can’t get anything done when he’s hanging around; he expects me to pay attention to him or something.

I made Easter Egg Bread for the first time day before yesterday; I decided to make it the day before Easter in case I sucked at it. Good thing I planned on making two braids since the first was gone before Saturday night.

I left my notebook in the kitchen and find I’m much too lazy to go retrieve it so you’ll have to wait for the recipe until tomorrow but I promise it’s not a difficult one and the hardest part is getting the eggs to snuggle into the braid.

They’re raw eggs, by the way. They cook with the bread. I thought that was pretty cool.

I made the bread, roasted a chicken and made Thyme and Bacon Potatoes and tossed together a giblet gravy at the end. Just thinking about last night’s dinner makes me sick to my stomach.

Not because it was horrible but because I ate too much and my stomach is protecting itself from further abuse.

By Amy @ Taste Like Crazy

I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.