Backyard Bog and Unhelpful Kids

Yellow mop bucket

We’ve had drainage issues in our backyard since we moved into this house. It’s a brand new yard. You would think they could get the damn thing right. I’m amazed the dog hasn’t gotten sucked into the ground…yet. Five million years from now, aliens will dig her up and wonder why in the hell Earthlings… Continue reading Backyard Bog and Unhelpful Kids

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Cara Turned Blue!

Violet Beauregarde turns blue.

What do you do when your kid turns blue? You freak out, right? We had errands to run and we all needed showers so I figured we’d kill three birds with one shower…or something. Imagine my surprise when Cara hopped in the shower and looked like she had a blue tan. So maybe she wasn’t… Continue reading Cara Turned Blue!

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Educating Parents About Video Game Ratings Via New ESRB Campaign

ESRB Mom Game Rating Mobile App

There’s this thing I’ve been rolling around in my head for a while now about how most parents–particularly the ones who don’t play video games–are scared of games and are scared of their kids going on a shooting spree because of games. Maybe I’m exaggerating a tiny bit, but there is a lot fear around… Continue reading Educating Parents About Video Game Ratings Via New ESRB Campaign

Pedigree and Westminster Break Up Pound Puppies Rejoice

Sophie watching me while I cook.

One of my favorite and hated ad campaigns has been the Pedigree ads for shelter dogs. Favorite because I love shelter dogs. My first dog, Sydney, was a shelter dog. She had been a “bait dog” for a local pit bull fighting ring and was evidence. I was fostering her and if I hadn’t been… Continue reading Pedigree and Westminster Break Up Pound Puppies Rejoice

Fields & Lane Forester Gardening Glove Review and Giveaway!

Cara thinks my Fields & Lane gardening gloves will make her plants grow.

When I first started thinking about having a garden at our new house, I imagined fertile, black soil. I imagined cool breezes with just enough sun to warm your skin. What I never got around to imagining was hard, red clay and days straight with no sun and potting soil stuffed so far up under… Continue reading Fields & Lane Forester Gardening Glove Review and Giveaway!

Whether You’re Single or Taken, Have a Valentine’s Day Cocktail [recipes]

Sandeman Porto Wedding Punch

Valentine’s Day is either one of the most celebrated holidays or the most reviled–depending on who you ask. But no matter what camp you’re in, one thing just about everyone can agree on is that the perfect cocktail can make just about anything better. The two Port concoctions below will be amazing whether you’re entertaining… Continue reading Whether You’re Single or Taken, Have a Valentine’s Day Cocktail [recipes]

Should Teens Be Charged As Adults for Vehicular Homicide?

The Law

I was listening to talk radio during the ride home from Cara and Ollie’s dentist [No cavities, by the way.] and the host was ranting about a teen who killed some people during a car accident. Apparently the teen’s family was trying to get the teen charged as a minor since he/she was 16 and… Continue reading Should Teens Be Charged As Adults for Vehicular Homicide?

Facebook Parenting or About the Guy Who Shot the Laptop

Facebook Like

With over 3.7 MILLION views on YouTube, almost 74 THOUSAND comments on the video, over 49 THOUSAND “likes” on Facebook, 21.5 THOUSAND Facebook shares and 22.5 THOUSAND comments on the original Facebook post, obviously this dad has sparked a conversation. I finally watched the video and read the dad’s side of the story[below] and what… Continue reading Facebook Parenting or About the Guy Who Shot the Laptop