I’m Tired of Skyrim Finally For Now with Skyrim DLC Teases and Game Jam 2011 Video

Game Over

I knew this would happen eventually but I didn’t expect it to slide into my brain just yet and cause me to decide I’m done with Skyrim. I’m so done with it I could take it to Gamestop right now, trade it in and not be the least bit sad. I’ve logged almost 386 hours… Continue reading I’m Tired of Skyrim Finally For Now with Skyrim DLC Teases and Game Jam 2011 Video

Things I Say At Walmart

Image | Meredith_Farmer
Pulling out hair

“Don’t touch that.” “You don’t have to touch all of that. Promise” “You’re going to get tired holding on like that.” “I can’t see you if you stand right in front of the cart.” “Get your hands off of the shelf.” “Didn’t I tell you I can’t see you when you’re right in front of… Continue reading Things I Say At Walmart

The Hunger Games Facebook Game. I’m Not Even Joking.

Click to zoom.
The Hunger Games Facebook Game Rue's Lullaby

We knew it would only be a matter of time before The Hunger Games would go from a book to a movie and then to a game. Not just any kind of game. A Facebook game! Now you can double the time you waste on Facebook! Panem needs you!  Embark on a daring adventure beyond… Continue reading The Hunger Games Facebook Game. I’m Not Even Joking.

Enjoying Spring

One of the best things about having this house is having the yard. Now that the kids have a swing set/fort/castle/whatever Cara decides to call it and Ollie agrees and then disagrees and then they fight, the kids are spending a lot more time out in said yard. This is me weeping tears of joy.… Continue reading Enjoying Spring

Categorized as Life Tagged

My Seedlings Can Eat Your Seedlings’ Brains…If They Have Brains Which Would Be Scary As Hell

We couldn't find a ruler so Rapunzel had to do.
Peas and scarlet runner beans on March 21st.

My peas and scarlet runner beans have shamed me into admitting that, when the package says to “direct sow”, I shouldn’t ignore the instructions and start the seeds inside. The reason? Cause the fuckers will TAKE OVER. Every day, I’d take the seed container down and check if more seeds had sprouted and the kids… Continue reading My Seedlings Can Eat Your Seedlings’ Brains…If They Have Brains Which Would Be Scary As Hell

Categorized as Garden

Garden Redux, Yo

My favorite shot.
Dark Purple Opal Basil

Remember when I wrote that post about being obsessed with gardening and I even made a spanking new category especially for the new obsession? Wondering why I’ve only posted four things since I announced the new category? Um…well…everything died. How’s that for sucktastic? I’m not exactly sure what happened though I highly suspect it had… Continue reading Garden Redux, Yo

Categorized as Garden Tagged

Cara Drew a Big Mommy Reaper from Mass Effect

Mass Effect 3 Reaper Drawing

I was writing that odd post yesterday and Cara decided it was time for her to get her drawing on. Apparently the Reapers in Mass Effect have made an impression on her since she presented me with this: Here’s Sovereign, a Reaper, from the first Mass Effect. Kid did a pretty good job considering she… Continue reading Cara Drew a Big Mommy Reaper from Mass Effect