2012 has come to a close and now we’re on to 2013. I can vividly remember it being 1990. I feel quite old all of a sudden. We’ve been in the house a year now. Cara started school. Tucker’s almost done with his. I got offered a job. I found my biological mother and siblings. I got almost 30k words into a book and had no idea where I was going with it. It has been a heck of a year and here are the 12 posts I liked best. My Favorite Posts on Taste Like Crazy from 2012
- Do You Embrace New Tech At the Expense of Old?–Do you get rid of your old stuff when something better comes out or do you hang onto stuff for sentimental reasons?
- I Was Scared of My Three Year Old Today–Ollie at three really, really sucked. A lot.
- Garden Redux, Yo–Pretty pictures of garden stuff. You know…after I killed the first wave of plants.
- Doctor Who and Donna Complete with Gifs–Donna, I love you. That is all.
- Game of Thrones Game Review Gif Heavy YAY!–The review is fun to read. Too bad the game sucked so hard.
- They Didn’t Pick Up Their Toys So I Confiscated Them–They pushed me too far.
- Mango Tomato Pico de Gallo Recipe–So yummy the recipe made it on this list. That means it’s pretty awesome. Just so you know.
- My Life In Bullet Points–This was, by far, one of the most painful things I’ve ever written. Damn hard to just lay yourself out there and wait for rejection.
- Notarized Field Trip Slip?–I’m not especially proud of this post but it got some really good comments which I appreciate a whole bunch.
- I Killed My Fifth Black Widow Spider Yesterday–If you have a problem with spiders then I would suggest you read this.
- Crappy Coffee and Shooting–The month of November wasn’t a good month for me.
- I’m Depressed Maybe Possibly Or Not–Explains the lack of posts for November and December. And there are gifs! Yay for gifs!