She Was Sick and Maybe Still Is

Sick japanese dolls

There was a simplicity to life before Cara started kindergarten that I couldn’t fully appreciate until now. Before kindergarten, I never had to worry about notarized permission slips or a report card with a declining score.

Does not follow directions
If one of the kids got sick–which was a rarity–then the day went along like any other day except the sick kid was generally more subdued…which was awesome [except for the sick part]. Now I have to worry about sending a sick note since two unexcused absences and the school will call child services on you. Seriously. No joke.

This was yesterday:


Cara came home from school and seemed OK.

She was still complaining about her throat but she acted as normal as is possible for her. Then she started complaining about her stomach hurting. Later she puked on our bedroom carpet which was all kinds of special. Still no fever and she asked for some yogurt before she went to bed. Which she puked all over herself in her sleep. Found that out when she woke us up at 2 this morning.

Tucker and I agreed to keep Cara home from school. She’d puked twice and was still complaining about her throat so obviously she was sick.

Except now she’s fine. She’s annoying her brother and me and complaining about normal stuff. Of course it’s now past the time when I can check her in at school and her be counted present.

Cara and Ollie 1.10.13

Cara’s back to school tomorrow–assuming she doesn’t spike a fever or start with the projectile vomiting stuff. Just in case yesterday and early this morning were just warm ups, I have a big batch of chicken soup working on the stove.

Sick japanese dolls
Image | odomut

By Amy @ Taste Like Crazy

I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.