Homemade Pancakes
2013-08-18 17:02:58

Yields 12
Ridiculously awesome and easy pancakes!
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
6 min
Total Time
11 min
- “Instant” Pancake Mix
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 3 cups whole wheat flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
- 3 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 tablespoon kosher salt
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- Pancakes
- 2 eggs, separated
- 4 Tbs melted butter
- 2 cups skim milk
- 2 Tbs vinegar or lemon juice
- 2 cups of “Instant” Pancake Mix
- butter to oil the pan
- [I don't own a griddle but I do have a heavy-duty aluminum pan and that's what I used for this.] Turn on the burner under your pan to medium.
- In a multi-cup measuring cup, mix the milk, vinegar and egg whites together.
- In your mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks and melted butter.
- Add the milk mixture to the egg yolks and butter and beat well.
- Dump in dry mix and mix everything together.
- Do the “water test” on your pan. If the water dances then you’re ready to butter the pan.[Check the bottom of the post for a video showing you what I mean.]
- Butter your pan and wipe the extra butter off. You shouldn’t really see any butter in the pan.
- Pour in some batter–I didn’t measure just ended up with four pancakes each go-round.
- Wait until bubbles start to show up in the top of the pancake and the batter isn’t as shiny as when you first poured it in.
- Flip over the pancake and give it another couple of minutes.
- Eat up!
- Here's the link for the "Instant" pancake mix. http://tastelikecrazy.com/2013/01/22/recipe-homemade-instant-pancake-mix/
- Double the recipe and freeze the extra. Pop the frozen pancakes in the toaster in the morning for a quick, homemade breakfast!
- If you have buttermilk, you can use that instead of the skim milk and vinegar/lemon juice. I never buy buttermilk because I rarely cook with it so I just cheat all the time.
Taste Like Crazy https://tastelikecrazy.com/
Believe it or not, your pancakes won’t stick to your pan if the pan is hot enough. Promise. I made 12 of these bad boys Saturday and not a one stuck. I didn’t think it was possible either but I listened to the wise man who is Alton Brown and he didn’t let me down.
Here’s the video I mentioned. Heather made it.
Yay for visual aids!