When I was in college, my wisdom teeth started bothering me. Despite how loud I can be, I actually have a small mouth and my teeth are more crowded than a car full of clowns right before the big reveal. I knew the teeth would have to come out; all of my friends had theirs… Continue reading Traumatic Dentist Appointment and a Loving Husband
Author: Amy @ Taste Like Crazy
I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.
Cleaning the Kids’ Rooms
When I was younger, my mom threatened to throw away all of the stuff that was left on the floor in my room. This happened a couple of times and one time she actually tossed the stuff. A few other times, she just bagged the stuff up and scared the crap out of me. While… Continue reading Cleaning the Kids’ Rooms
Wherein I Beat On Tucker and Had a Painful, Bad Day
After getting surgeried, I took my pain meds like a good surgeried person. As one does. Unfortunately, the first prescription wasn’t enough and I had to call and get more. I was quite disappointed in myself. The pain’s gotten a lot better (It was mostly a gross ache, anyway.), I quit taking the meds and… Continue reading Wherein I Beat On Tucker and Had a Painful, Bad Day
My Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Story…Complete with Gifs!
Friday I had my first major panic attack complete with cold sweats, racing heart rate and general freaking the hell out. When I had my emergency induction with Cara back in ’06, a nurse with about as much skill with a needle as a lobotomized polar bear on crack (LPBoC) shoved an IV into the… Continue reading My Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Story…Complete with Gifs!
Surgery Tomorrow
Remember when I wrote that post about “getting shocked tomorrow?” Yeah, I forgot about it, too. And forgot to respond to Julie’s comment. Because I suck. Sorry, Julie. Anywho. I’ll get to the hand thing here in a sec but first I want to talk about the raging headache I’ve had all day. I’m talking… Continue reading Surgery Tomorrow
37 First Grader Books For Valentine’s Day
What’s pretty sad is I just now realized I haven’t talked about the Owlsome Readers program that’s currently in full swing at Cara and Ollie’s school. The reason this is so sad? I’m the Publicity Chair/Coordinator for the whole shebang. Dang it! Here’s a snippet (which I wrote) of the official press release for the program:… Continue reading 37 First Grader Books For Valentine’s Day
Recipe: Blueberry-Orange Shortbread Roll-Out Cookie
I’ve mentioned before that I have been making cookies. A lot of cookies. I perfected an awesome shortbreadish recipe and fell in love. And then came the awesome brownie cookie recipe. The dough tastes like a Tootsie Roll and the finished product? Chewy, chocolaty awesomeness…and I don’t even like chocolate. After that, I created an Orange-Cardamom shortbreadish cookie… Continue reading Recipe: Blueberry-Orange Shortbread Roll-Out Cookie
Aloha Also Means Goodbye Book Review
Have you ever had a friend ask you to read their book and get maybe just a twinge of dread? No? Just me? Liar. It’s not that I necessarily expect the book to suck. My writer friends are pretty awesome writers so I expect what they send me to be at least decent. Maybe even awesome. But that dread?… Continue reading Aloha Also Means Goodbye Book Review
3 New Year’s Cleaning Resolutions
This New Year cleaning resolution tips post is brought to you by as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post. Well, maybe these aren’t so much resolutions as they are a (somewhat) well-formulated plan of attack (PoA). A New Year’s resolution just seems like something you except to break. Everyone makes them. No one… Continue reading 3 New Year’s Cleaning Resolutions
I’m Getting Shocked Tomorrow
Like shocked-shocked. Literally. With electricity. I’m not down for the shock thing. Ever. No, I do not want to put my tongue across your battery. (That’s not a euphemism though it totally should be.) Once is enough for me, thanks. That hot wire around your pasture? I am not touching it to see if it’s hot. Feel… Continue reading I’m Getting Shocked Tomorrow
I Made a Fancy Cake and MMF (Marshmallow Fondant) Recipe
A few months ago I got on a cookie making kick. My experience in cookie making up to that point was basically…welp, I had no experience. I also didn’t know how to make royal icing or even what goes into making royal icing. Piping bags made me shudder and why would you want to frost… Continue reading I Made a Fancy Cake and MMF (Marshmallow Fondant) Recipe
That One Time I (Kinda) Had Cancer
One morning, when I was 14, I was quite rudely awakened by a knife in my stomach. At least that’s what it felt like. I don’t know how long I laid on the tiny, black and white tiles in my bathroom with nothing on but my birthday suit and just sweat. Buckets and buckets of… Continue reading That One Time I (Kinda) Had Cancer