The Day After

We’re not really the holiday kind of people. If left to our own devices, Thanksgiving would probably just be a day in which everything is closed and there isn’t anything good on TV. For some reason, Christmas is kind of the same. But, I have to say that we had a really good time at… Continue reading The Day After

Organic Baby Food, Puke and Politics

I got a Gerber coupon flyer in the mail yesterday. You know the ones that are addressed to “Current Occupant”? It made me feel special. Anyway, on the back is a picture of an ADORABLE asexual baby smiling over a bowl of fruit with the tag line – Taste the Organic Side of Gerber. To… Continue reading Organic Baby Food, Puke and Politics

Liquid Love

Last night, I procured something I like to call “liquid love”. This 92 proof bottle of warm fuzziness is probably some of the best rum I’ve ever had the pleasure to sample; I was in a sorority in college…I’ve drank a lot of rum. You know, sometimes mamma’s gotta let it all hang out. Man,… Continue reading Liquid Love