The Fight You Must Fight

I’m often flippant about mental illness. Come on. I have a blog named “Taste Like Crazy”. How can I NOT be “lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity” about it? And, if I wanted to be completely honest, I’d say that “levity” is a coping mechanism and we all have them. Mine is making light of… Continue reading The Fight You Must Fight

Customer Service and I Fired My Shrink

I fired my shrink today. How’s that for an opening line? I knew from the first time I met him [actually before I met him] that he most likely wasn’t going to be a good “fit” for me; he was almost 30 minutes late for our initial appointment. Not exactly a wonderful first impression. I think I’ve… Continue reading Customer Service and I Fired My Shrink

As Big As the Sky

I’ve been slacking on this whole “work” thing like crazy [imagine that] and haven’t checked my email in a coon’s age. So, imagine my chagrin when I sat down at my laptop this morning, coffee in hand, and checked my email only to find a rather shitty email about my post that I wrote on… Continue reading As Big As the Sky


*Note – This was originally posted Dec. 9th, 2008. However, I have moved it up so it’s visible again because I have been asked to.* When your average person commits suicide, they do it because they feel dying is the only option left to them.  They are at such a point of despair they can… Continue reading Selfish

Where I Rant About Baby Shaker

If you “read me” very often then you already know that I write for b5media about video games and liquor. I don’t know if you go to my other sites or not and since I don’t know where you go after you hang around here, I figured that I would provide a link to what… Continue reading Where I Rant About Baby Shaker

My Fear of Public Speaking

I have a mild “social anxiety” disorder so public speaking is one of those things that I don’t really do. I mean, I CAN-anyone CAN-but I choose not to. That’s one reason why I have yet to take Speach in college even though it’s a Freshman level class and I have enough hours …

Dark Mood Cometh

I am in one dark mood today. Tucker noticed it a couple of days ago and I was totally oblivious. I didn’t think anything was wrong, but I guess he really does know me better than I know myself. I really noticed my shit mood this morning. I’ve got a hair trigger temper and the… Continue reading Dark Mood Cometh