Tucker Being Right and Me Freaking Out About Being Alone with Ollie [Gif Heavy! YAY!]

Now Panic and Freak Out sign

Cara starts school this fall and you’d think I would be freaking out about the kindergarten thing. Instead, I’m freaking out about Ollie being home with me. For two years. Two years of not having Cara around during the day. Two years of entertaining just Ollie. Two years of him being bored with me. I… Continue reading Tucker Being Right and Me Freaking Out About Being Alone with Ollie [Gif Heavy! YAY!]

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Top Five YouTube Gaming Videos for This Week

It’s Saturday and know what that means? Time to watch some YouTube and do absolutely nothing of any worth. But it’s Saturday so you shouldn’t feel bad. Bring on the sloth! Not this sloth: This sloth: #5 League of Legends – Fiora Art Spotlight http://youtu.be/4OkjjBWrG50 #4 Mass Effect 3: Fight (Live-Action TV Trailer) http://youtu.be/0DSCFQcR08E #3… Continue reading Top Five YouTube Gaming Videos for This Week