That Baby Dvd and CD

I grew up on a musical diet of The Beatles, Steeley Dan and Fleetwood Mac. Heck, my first concert was James Taylor when I was four. Tucker is as crazy about music as I am and we want to pass that love onto Cara.

While I know that some parents swear by Baby Einstein DVDs, they kind of make me want to gouge out my eyes.

If you feel the same way and are rather depressed over your choices when it comes to music DVDs for your kids, I’ve got a solution for ya: That Baby DVD and CD.

Parent Bloggers sent me the set to review and I think I’m in love. Finally, a fantastic baby DVD for both baby and parents! Reasonably-priced, you don’t have to dig into your savings ( in order to purchase it either. What are you waiting for? Get your copy now! You and your baby will be happy you did.

Ok. Cara loves it too, but I’m the one who has to deal with it being on repeat. So, shouldn’t I get a say too?

The first thing that made me take notice was the personalized letter that Rob sent me. [Bravo, Rob!] One point to That Baby DVD and CD. I’ve gotten letters with other things that I’ve reviewed, but they’ve never actually been addressed to me [usually “Dear Reviewer”] and they sure haven’t been signed with a pen.

I popped the DVD in for Cara and she stopped in her little baby tracks to watch the butterfly on the TV and she was grinning from ear to ear.

I could tell that we had a winner with both “Happiness Runs” and the graphics.

As the DVD progressed, Cara was most interested in the animated tracks and in the cute puppet track, “When We Grow Up”.

While I enjoyed the kids running around and lip syncing to the music, Cara could have cared less. Then again, she is only 13 months old. What does she know, right?

Once the DVD was over, it was time for Cara’s nap.

I put the CD [which looks like a record] into Cara’s CD player and she listened to it while she napped.

The CD comes with three “bonus” tracks including my favorite: Three Little Birds. I have to admit that the CD will probably end up in the car with me.

We not only enjoyed the DVD and CD, but I enjoy the fact that they come from a Mom and Pop company [literally] and I love their return policy:

“We have a “no questions asked” return policy and offer free replacement of discs that get scratched, fingerprinted, or smeared with peanut butter. We have kids too. We know how it is.”

How cool is that?

After nap time, I actually called Rob Wolf. [co-creator of the set]

Rob answered on the second ring and was so polite and personable that I wanted to give him a hug.

In this day and age of mass marketed, impersonal crap, it’s really refreshing to find a product that not only has a personalized feel but is also back by nice people.

Bravo That Baby DVD and That Baby CD!

To get 20% off of your order, click here and then enter PBN once you check out.

As much as it pains me, I’ve passed along the DVD and CD so that another kid can enjoy the coolness that is That Baby DVD and CD.