These are my favorites as of right now…this very day…these could change at a moment’s notice. So…you know…check this often.
- Do You Embrace New Tech At the Expense of Old?—Do you get rid of your old stuff when something better comes out or do you hang onto stuff for sentimental reasons?
- I Was Scared of My Three Year Old Today—Ollie at three really, really sucked. A lot.
- Garden Redux, Yo—Pretty pictures of garden stuff. You know…after I killed the first wave of plants.
- Doctor Who and Donna Complete with Gifs—Donna, I love you. That is all.
- Game of Thrones Game Review Gif Heavy YAY!—The review is fun to read. Too bad the game sucked so hard.
- They Didn’t Pick Up Their Toys So I Confiscated Them—They pushed me too far.
- Mango Tomato Pico de Gallo Recipe—So yummy the recipe made it on this list. That means it’s pretty awesome. Just so you know.
- My Life In Bullet Points—This was, by far, one of the most painful things I’ve ever written. Damn hard to just lay yourself out there and wait for rejection.
- Notarized Field Trip Slip?–-I’m not especially proud of this post but it got some really good comments which I appreciate a whole bunch.
- I Killed My Fifth Black Widow Spider Yesterday—If you have a problem with spiders then I would suggest you read this.
- Crappy Coffee and Shooting––The month of November wasn’t a good month for me.
- I’m Depressed Maybe Possibly Or Not—Explains the lack of posts for November and December. And there are gifs! Yay for gifs!
- Mother Nature Punked Me: It Snowed A Lot—It snowed. It rarely snows.
- KmartGamer: Take Me To E3 with You!—My entry in a contest to go to E3 in LA with Kmart.
- Do We Pay Too Much Attention To Our Kids?—Well…do we?
- Braided Easter Egg Bread Recipe—One of the best bread recipes I’ve made. Love this stuff and it looks impressive–though it’s super easy.
- Self-Doubt and Green Haired Gilbert—That little voice in your head you can never seem to not hear.
- Father’s Day Comedic Gold: Hooker or a Maid?—Sometimes I’m awesome on Twitter.
- I Spank My Kids—Yup. Sure do.
- Muse vs Plotting: Who Wins in a Cage Fight?—Is it better to plot out the story or to just go with the flow?
- The Night I Thought Tucker was Dead—It seemed like one of my greatest fears had been realized.
- And the Interwebs Didn’t Die—Sometimes you just gotta take a break from the internet.
- Yesterday At Gymnastics or When Ollie Melts Down and Moms Are Cool As Hell—This was probably the coolest any group of women have ever been to me since I became a mom.
- The Holidays are Bipolar—I talk about space elves in this.
- Writers Are Like Power Ninjas!—Way too often writers forget just how much power they have.
- What If?—About Elizabeth Gilbert, inspiration and the ultimate open ended question. Includes Gilbert’s Ted Talk video.
- The Fight You Must Fight—The fight being the one for your life. The fight against the voice that tells you to kill yourself.
- Political Fairness is All I Want—Where I go off on a Twitter inspired political rant.
- Is American Culture to Blame for Bad Schools?—Exactly what the title says and you should read the comments.
- 6 Things You Probably Already Knew About Cats—Even if you hate cats, the animated gifs and videos rock.
- March Against Pit Bull Discrimination—A neighbor’s chihuahua was being an ass and it inspired yet another rant.
- Sh*t My Daughter Says—Not quite sure what got into Cara but the story one is my favorite.
- A Story of a Broom and Opossums—A herd of opossums is a crime against nature.
- The Wilderness Downtown—Maybe I wrote something way cooler in August but this website was/is cool as hell.
- Toys Out the Window – Literally—The kids thought it would be a fab idea to toss all of Cara’s toys out of her window.
- Blogging Isn’t Real Life—I don’t think this turned out as profound as I had intended. Still true, nonetheless.
- Frisbee Owl Says Toddler Walking into Wall is Funny—Ollie ran into a wall and there’s a cool owl animated gif.
- Logical Burger King—Cara uses her logical reasoning.
- The Mothers’ Bill of Rights—Even as I wrote this, I knew none of these things would ever happen.
- What Books Do You Remember?—A call for your favorite books from childhood
- The Best Apples I Can—Memories from childhood juxtaposed teaching my kids important life lessons
- The Mirror and Time—Short story about a girl and her odd ability to see ghost in mirrors
- My Sunshine Boy—A birthday post for Oliver that isn’t your typical “Happy Birthday” fare
- A Game I’d Rather Not Play—Got me a Five Star Friday on Schmutzie‘s site; about standing up to my dad
- Mother, Thy Name is Cow—Where Cara calls me a cow but not for the reason you’re thinking
- Take Back Your Power—Abuse statistics and a link to Violence Unsilenced. Not light reading but good
- The Eyelet Shirt—Story from childhood concerning worst teacher in the history of teachers
- Kermit Jagger—Joke. It’s funny. Read it.
- A Very Talented Carpenter—Conversation between Tucker and me about Handy Manny
- The Unwanted Child—About Ollie and when I first found out I was pregnant with him
- The New Stage Moms/Dads —Intelligence, kids and the parents who live vicariously through them
- The River—We went to the river and I took some cute pictures.
- Disassemble It—Geek parenting cartoon.
- Family Bathroom—I was pregnant and had a toddler and I was mad someone was using the family bathroom when they shouldn’t have been. It was very traumatic.
- Rockin’ the Chuck Taylors—Cara in a pair of pink Chuck Taylors.
- Hippo Eats Dwarf—Would I make this stuff up? Don’t answer that.
- ADD or Stream of Consciousness—The title pretty much sums this one up.
- We Always Take It Too Far—Lotus, Twitter, me and way too much time on our hands.
- Bloody Dream—Pregnancy induced nightmare.
- Boobs on Aisle Seven—Where I was shamed for the first time for feeding my kid.
- Hazing and Parenthood—Other parents seem to love to scare the crap out of other parents. I rant about that here.
- On Southern Grief—Seems like Southerners like to revel in their grief. I experienced that firsthand.
- Selfish—My cousin killed himself and I was a very angry person because of it.
- On Pack Structure and Turkeys—Where I equated a bunch of women to a pack of wolves.
2007–Note: A bunch of posts died in the Great Host Migration of 2007.
- Happy Anniversary and Stuff—For Tucker…back when I liked him.
- Wedded Bliss…or Not?—It was almost my anniversary and a friend was getting a divorce.
- Bikinis for Babies?!—The title says it all.
- Confessions of a Mommy Blogger—I was really awesome at titles back then.
- Goodbye Cable, Goodbye—We killed our cable.
- Special Little Snowflake—You’re not and neither is your kid.
- Scaredy Cat Karma–All of the people who honestly believe in Karma hate me for this.
- Other People’s Kids—I still can’t read this without getting really pissed off.
- How My Adoption Changed Me as a Mom—Where I talked about my adoption.
- Imus. Bad Behavior. Period.—It’s not exactly what you’re expecting.
- Ming-Ming Should Die and Other Random Things—I still hate that duck.
- Boob and What I Think About Them—A rant about boobs.
- Ann Coulter and Why You Should Quote Fairly—I dislike it when people act like they have no bias and then show themselves to be asses.