When you’re a gifted, worrying, perfectionist seven year old kid, sometimes all that worry can literally make you sick. I figured listing out the things that WERE going to happen (but maybe she was worried they wouldn’t) would give Cara, my kid, a few less things (20, actually) to stress over. Seems to be working. Maybe it’ll work for you, too. Even if you’re not a seven year old girl.
Tag: annoying
Love Me. Hate Me. Pretending Is Too Damn Exhausting.
There is something extremely annoying about right now at this time. I have good ideas for things, e.g., post topics, kids’ crafts, showering, but once I get serious about doing any of those things, they just take too damn much effort; I’m just too tired. When I’ve told my therapist about this crushing–Yeah. I know.… Continue reading Love Me. Hate Me. Pretending Is Too Damn Exhausting.
Dysphoria and the Gif At the End of This Will Probably Offend You
I have no idea what I want to write about today and am pretty much only writing because I think I should. I find it ironic that when I get all dysphoric the last thing I want to do is write and it’s probably the time when I need to write the most. If it… Continue reading Dysphoria and the Gif At the End of This Will Probably Offend You
Backyard Bog and Unhelpful Kids
We’ve had drainage issues in our backyard since we moved into this house. It’s a brand new yard. You would think they could get the damn thing right. I’m amazed the dog hasn’t gotten sucked into the ground…yet. Five million years from now, aliens will dig her up and wonder why in the hell Earthlings… Continue reading Backyard Bog and Unhelpful Kids
Writers Are Like Power Ninjas!
The whole thing started with me talking to Heather about something or other on Skype which led me to this post about awesome stuffed pork chops which then led me to this post about not cleaning up enough–shocker!–which then led me to this post about self-doubt and writing and all the fun stuff that comes… Continue reading Writers Are Like Power Ninjas!
We’ve Almost Bought a House!
I’ve been looking at houses to buy since we lived in Florida seven years ago–I can’t believe it’s been that long! Something always came up that made the idea of buy a house kind of silly but we’ve been in Huntsville for almost three years and Tucker finally has a stable job and we’ve kind… Continue reading We’ve Almost Bought a House!
A Four Year Old’s First Love
How do you explain to a four year old that she can’t love someone after just one meeting? Correct answer? You don’t explain it. You just nod and smile when she professes her undying love to the only boy in her gymnastics class. I told her after her first gymnastics class of this term–when she… Continue reading A Four Year Old’s First Love
Dreams That Won’t Go Away: Cheese Crackers and My Dead Step-Father
There are two things I’ve come to realize tonight–I’m writing this the night before you’ll read it. I have rediscovered my love for saltine crackers and cheese slices though my tastes have been refined to whole wheat saltines and premium cheese slices if any presliced cheese can be considered “premium.” I have developed a very… Continue reading Dreams That Won’t Go Away: Cheese Crackers and My Dead Step-Father
We’re Not Sure What To Do and the Kids are Driving Us Crazy!
The screaming and fit throwing started at 0600 with Ollie losing his shit because I dared to cut his peanut butter and jelly toast into four pieces instead of leaving it “big.” Then his sister stumbled into the living room and she lost it for some other reason. Tucker intervened and turned a bit scary.… Continue reading We’re Not Sure What To Do and the Kids are Driving Us Crazy!
Ollie. A Bead. The Emergency Room.
Thanks goodness for Notepad ++. Cause that’s where I’m typing this right now. Though you just assume I typed this into the magical blogging thing and out popped this post thing. Silly reader. Our wireless router has finally given up the ghost and we’ll have a connection for a minute and then no connection. Translation?… Continue reading Ollie. A Bead. The Emergency Room.
Show the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Keep Going
I read a Salon.com article yesterday–I tried to find the link but didn’t locate it. Leave a link in the comments if you read it too.– about Mormon women blogs and how the author stalks the blogs because they make motherhood and marriage and life in general look so easy and carefree. The only blog… Continue reading Show the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Keep Going
Where I DON’T Talk About My Left Boob
Oops. Already screwed that up, didn’t I? I don’t have much to say except it’s still snowy but it only looks pretty from the window because the snow has actually turned into this slush/mud/ice conglomeration that would resemble a comet if it were traveling like 600 KPS or something. But I guess it would have… Continue reading Where I DON’T Talk About My Left Boob