There is something extremely annoying about right now at this time. I have good ideas for things, e.g., post topics, kids’ crafts, showering, but once I get serious about doing any of those things, they just take too damn much effort; I’m just too tired. When I’ve told my therapist about this crushing–Yeah. I know.… Continue reading Love Me. Hate Me. Pretending Is Too Damn Exhausting.
Tag: mental health
Why I Will Never Go To Another Public Mental Health Clinic
I wasn’t even making $12k when I was in college. I was broke with a capital I-ain’t-got-no-money. So I did the public mental health clinic thing once a week. Some of the clientele didn’t even try to act normal…maybe they couldn’t. There was this HUGE–woman must have been 6’4″–black lady sitting in front of me… Continue reading Why I Will Never Go To Another Public Mental Health Clinic
Where Do I Go From Here?
I have entered no man’s land with regards to where I stand in the blogging world. And that’s awesome when you’re just blogging cause you want to write about what’s going on with your life and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. BUT, when you’re wanting to gain some respect in MULTIPLE areas, it’s… Continue reading Where Do I Go From Here?
I Wrote This At Kmart Gamer: Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure: An Abomination or a Sure Thing?
I wrote this, too! And TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY! I know. I’m shocked as well. And even though I’m posting about posts I’ve already posted on another site, I’m still counting them. AND I’m planning on writing a real post after this. Don’t set the post bar very high though, folks. This might be… Continue reading I Wrote This At Kmart Gamer: Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure: An Abomination or a Sure Thing?
I Wrote This At Kmart Gamer: Give Me My Perks, Fallout: New Vegas!
I wrote this last week…I think. I don’t really remember. If you play vidgiegames then you might find this interesting, if you don’t play vidgiegames then you probably shouldn’t read this and you most definitely shouldn’t click over to Kmart Gamer; you’ll just be bored and/or confused. You can read this stuff instead! Book/Writing Related… Continue reading I Wrote This At Kmart Gamer: Give Me My Perks, Fallout: New Vegas!
Swimming in the Crazy Pool
I was in Arkansas Tuesday. The kids and I left Alabama at 7am and met my in-laws in West Memphis where I handed the kids off and continued on my way to the hospital where my dad was in ICU. Cause ICU’s where you end up when you try to kill yourself. That or the… Continue reading Swimming in the Crazy Pool
Blogging Isn’t Real Life
What’s funny about my post yesterday is it started out to be about how I was going to complain about looking at a really nice house today that we can afford and about how Tucker’s been put in for two new jobs – both in NE Florida. Obviously those two events are diametrically opposed. So? See?… Continue reading Blogging Isn’t Real Life
You Choose What You Read
My mind is pretty much blank today but I figured if I started typing then maybe something would come of it. I guess a bit of house keeping or something is in order first. One of the first “new blogger” tips you always read is: Have one topic for your blog and stick to it.… Continue reading You Choose What You Read
Psych Nurses Shouldn’t Be Rude
When it comes to shrinks and therapists, I’m not of the opinion all should be flowers, rainbows and sparkly unicorns. In order to make any sort of progress, you have to do the hard work – the uncomfortable work – required to achieve your goals and sometimes that means you don’t like your mental health… Continue reading Psych Nurses Shouldn’t Be Rude
Word of the Day: Labile
la·bile[/ˈlāˌbīl/ /-bəl/] adj. Liable to change; easily altered Of or characterized by emotions that are easily aroused or freely expressed, and that tend to alter quickly and spontaneously; emotionally unstable Easily broken down or displaced [Origin: C15: via Late Latin lābilis, from Latin lābī to slide, slip] I’m in a labile mood at the moment. It’s like I need to change; I’m on… Continue reading Word of the Day: Labile
Steve Carrell and Laughing at Ranch
It’s amazing what there is to write about when I actually get out of the house. On Friday, I met with a psychologist to talk about medication for mah crazy. First off, the guy didn’t shake my hand. Maybe I’m weird, but when I first meet someone, especially in a professional setting, I expect my… Continue reading Steve Carrell and Laughing at Ranch
That Dream and That Next Sentence
In the spirit of writing, because I need to write and I haven’t written in a coon’s age – and when I say “written”, I mean really written anythingworthwhile – I’m writing. I have a book – since that’s what it needs to be – that came to me in a dream – I know.… Continue reading That Dream and That Next Sentence