It Sleeps…

I’m actually eating lunch right now. By myself. Can you believe it?! She’s asleep. In her crib. Finally! It’s 13:30 here and she’s been up since around 7. I’m worried that my craziness has either been passed onto her or that it’s rubbing off on her. Julie had a …

Dark Mood Cometh

I am in one dark mood today. Tucker noticed it a couple of days ago and I was totally oblivious. I didn’t think anything was wrong, but I guess he really does know me better than I know myself. I really noticed my shit mood this morning. I’ve got a hair trigger temper and the… Continue reading Dark Mood Cometh

Highneeds Princess

I have what you (and Dr. Sears) would call a “high needs baby”. My daughter is almost seven months old and still wakes twice a night to eat; she’s not just nursing for comfort…she’s actually eating. She is exclusively breast fed and I honestly don’t mind waking up with her. When she cries, I know… Continue reading Highneeds Princess

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