My Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Story…Complete with Gifs!

My hand after Carpal Tunnel Release surgery

Friday I had my first major panic attack complete with cold sweats, racing heart rate and general freaking the hell out.  When I had my emergency induction with Cara back in ’06, a nurse with about as much skill with a needle as a lobotomized polar bear on crack (LPBoC) shoved an IV into the… Continue reading My Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Story…Complete with Gifs!

Surgery Tomorrow


Remember when I wrote that post about “getting shocked tomorrow?” Yeah, I forgot about it, too. And forgot to respond to Julie’s comment. Because I suck. Sorry, Julie. Anywho. I’ll get to the hand thing here in a sec but first I want to talk about the raging headache I’ve had all day. I’m talking… Continue reading Surgery Tomorrow