
Tucker Goes to Key West – Day One

Filed Under: Life


Tucker has been called away to fulfill his “two weeks a year” thing with the Navy and I’m here. With the kids.

Two very well looked after kids, might I add.

The funny thing about having lived with someone for so long is you’re not quite sure how to live without said person once they’re gone.

And I’m not trying to be too dramatic.

I’m just used to Tucker being here and helping put the kids to bed and lending an ear when I have a random gripe to…well…gripe about.

The other funny thing about living with someone for so long is that once they’re gone, you [meaning me…I…whatever] have this odd “I GOT THE PLACE ALL TO MYSELF!!! thing.

Or…at least I do. Am I the only one? Oh, whatever.

Granted, last night was my first official night away from Tucker for this trip thing. And it was my first official night of dinner by myself and the bath and the bed and all of that.

Then again, this isn’t really that different than when Tucker goes to Drill one weekend a month and all of that.

So basically, it hasn’t sunk in that he’s gone. Does that make any kind of sense?

This time next week I’m sure it will sink in that this whole thing isn’t just a weekend away but he’s only gone for a couple of weeks. Easy, right?

Last night was an interesting night. We had been up since about 3:15 am since Tucker’s flight was scheduled to leave at 6 am. Yay for red eye flights.

Unfortunately for Tucker, his connecting flight was cancelled and he was diverted to DC. He finally got to Virginia and all was well with the world. He actually heads to Key West this weekend [I think] but is in Virginia right now to meet up with the squadron.

I’m going to try to write these everyday Tucker’s gone. Not really for you but for me since when this is all over, even though I’m sure I will relay all of this to Tucker over the phone, I won’t remember a lick of it. And, when Tucker gets commissioned and he starts considering Active Duty with its six month deployments, I’ll be able to read back over this stuff and remember it and make an informed decision about whether or not I can handle six months with just me and the kids.

The kids and bedtime were a whole nother kettle of fish.

Even though they had been up for the longest they had ever been awake, they were adamant about their utter lack of need for sleep. Since I am bigger than them, I won and they were tossed into bed.

Eventually they went to sleep.

And the house was quiet. And it was nice. Not only was it nice but it was peaceful.

We’ll see how this goes. Things are planned for the weekends. The monotony of it all will get broken up and that will be nice.

Nothing really ground breaking.

Except for that picture I made of Tucker.


I have a $60 box set of Red vs Blue I’m giving away at Sims 3 Gamer if you’re so gamerly inclined. And yes, I just made up a word. Yay, me!