On Southern Grief


cemetaryUs Southerners LOVE us some grief.

It seems that we enjoy wallowing in it. That’s the only conclusion I can draw from requiring the family of the deceased to sit and watch whilst everyone streams past the open casket. Every third person or so loses their shit and then it’s water works from just about every family member.

Today’s funeral wasn’t the worst that I’ve been to.

It wasn’t overly long and Oliver was relatively quiet throughout. The preacher/minister/head honcho guy was VERY kind and the guy who did the eulogy [I graduated with him.] was wonderful and what he had to say was heartfelt.

I half expected the local paper to show up but if they did then they didn’t make their presence known.

I think that my cousin (It was his funeral, btw.) would have been very embarrassed at the ridiculously huge turnout. He was such a humble guy and I honestly don’t think that he realized just how loved he was/is.

The preacher/minister/head honcho guy told the assembled people that my cousin had been genuinely sorry for the loss that he caused and that the family wanted the public to know. I was so happy that he announced that since it’s been said on Topix.com that my cousin had no remorse. That’s water under the bridge now but I’m still glad that the words were spoken. I hope that puts a rest to it all. It was also announced how many people my cousin’s organs have saved and I thought that was pretty awesome as well.

I wanted to let everyone who has commented or read my ramblings know that I really appreciate all of your kind words and your stories. I consider this blog an online journal of sorts and I basically write it like I would a paper journal. Well…I don’t exactly address other people in my paper journals but you get the point.

Hopefully, this will be the last post about my cousin’s death. I’m getting a bit tired of being sad and I’m sure that some of you are getting a bit tired of reading about it.

Maybe for my next post I’ll write about my political views. 😉

By Amy @ Taste Like Crazy

I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.