Yup, I Know.

I know that my blog is wonky and I thank you for your kind emails and DM via Twitter. I must leave redesign to go and do family stuff so I promise to fix everything in a few.

I’m All Sold Out

Smoking Harlot

Am I a sellout or “money grubbing whore” because I run ads on my site? WIkipedia defines sellout like this: “Selling out refers to the compromising of one’s integrity, morality and principles in exchange for money, ‘success’ or other personal gain. It is commonly associated with attempts to increase mass appeal or acceptability to mainstream… Continue reading I’m All Sold Out

My Kid’s Skinny and Apparently I Don’t Feed Her

Cara had her nine month appointment yesterday; she has gained no weight since her six months appointment. The nurse who weighed Cara and measured her seemed very concerned by this little fact. But, I’m cool with it. She’s gotten longer and come on, she walking and has been for the past two weeks. Not to… Continue reading My Kid’s Skinny and Apparently I Don’t Feed Her

I’m Getting Crap Done and Taking Names!

I have been a busy little beaver today (hence the picture). Normally around this time I’ve just gotten Cara down for a nap and am catching up on the blogs that I read and maybe checking my email. Not the case today. Since Cara woke up around 6 am , I’ve had plenty of time… Continue reading I’m Getting Crap Done and Taking Names!

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!


Well, I got the bright idea to get my own domain. I get tired of typing in http://TastesLikeCrazy.blogspot.com. It’s long and cumbersome and why not just have Tasteslikecrazy.com. Right? Wrong. It’s already taken. Sad times. So, I got Tastelikecrazy.com. Now I have to make my own web site …