I Spank My Kids

Storm Trooper Spanking

Spanking is one of those issues in parenting that’s best not talked about unless you’re ready to hear some extremely vocal opinions. Just like “natural” birth. And breastfeeding. And bottle feeding. And circumcision. And daycare. And how much TV your kids watch. And candy. I’m going to stop now. Chances are good you’re a parent… Continue reading I Spank My Kids

Clean Boob of Health

Ductogram was this morning and I suspect years of breastfeeding came in handy as I felt next to nothing. Though the contrast did make me wonky for about fifteen minutes afterwards. I had one of the coolest radiologist evah–I’ve known a lot of radiologists in my time from when I worked at Mayo so I… Continue reading Clean Boob of Health

My Left Boob


Last night I was thinking about babies and breastfeeding and relactation. Don’t ask me why; it was just some random tangent my brain took off on. I’ve always heard once you’ve lactated, you always will to some extent and I decided to test out that theory. Because I’m weird. And I got some colostrum looking stuff… Continue reading My Left Boob

Sleep Already, Toddler!

Oliver has been doing this weird thing where he wakes up around 3am and then screams bloody freakin’ murder until someone comes and gets him out of his room. Granted, I realize we’ve conditioned him to do this since we have repeatedly followed the same routine of blindly stumbling into his room in the dark… Continue reading Sleep Already, Toddler!

Road Trip and Puke

I’d love to write something deep and insightful but I’m running short on deep and insightful today. We spent the weekend in Arkansas and while it was great, I’m pretty sure we all missed our routine. Tucker and I were both dreading last night since we had convinced ourselves that last night was going to… Continue reading Road Trip and Puke

More Coffee, Please?

First Snow 2009

Last night was one of those nights when having two parents around would have made things a lot easier. Actually, I don’t know how much easier things would have been but at least I would have had someone other than myself to bitch to. I’m fairly certain that Ollie has developed a couple of ear… Continue reading More Coffee, Please?