You Mean Neighbors Actually Expect You To Talk To Them?!

Sophie finally got her backyard.
Sophie finally got her backyard.

Deep down I knew that moving to an actual neighborhood would mean that I couldn’t hide like I could in our apartment. In an apartment, people generally don’t talk to the other tenants; it’s just not expected and kind of discouraged what with the downcast eyes and all that. We moved our beds over here… Continue reading You Mean Neighbors Actually Expect You To Talk To Them?!

Grounded From TV


My kids are grounded from television. [That’s not something I was expecting to say or write for at least a couple more years.] I don’t even remember what spurred the “grounding” but it boils down to the fact their rooms resemble a disaster zone and I’m tired of picking up their crap. So what if… Continue reading Grounded From TV

I Spank My Kids

Storm Trooper Spanking

Spanking is one of those issues in parenting that’s best not talked about unless you’re ready to hear some extremely vocal opinions. Just like “natural” birth. And breastfeeding. And bottle feeding. And circumcision. And daycare. And how much TV your kids watch. And candy. I’m going to stop now. Chances are good you’re a parent… Continue reading I Spank My Kids

Stream-of-Consciousness Fun

Dunechaser--This image is awesome but has nothing to do with what I wrote.

I’m writing this so I don’t have to write that but you don’t know what “that” is yet and I don’t wanna tell you because you’ll read it once I un-psych myself out. And, yes, yes I did just make that up. Cause if you can psych yourself out then you can UN psych yourself out since… Continue reading Stream-of-Consciousness Fun

Positive I’m Up Way Too Early and We’re All Getting Sick

Reenie-Just Reenie

You won’t read this right after I publish it because I’m writing it at a quarter till five since Ollie woke up thirty minutes ago and was wide awake. Wide awake and burning up. Since I set my coffee pot to around 6am, I didn’t have coffee once I got Ollie situated on the couch with… Continue reading Positive I’m Up Way Too Early and We’re All Getting Sick

Real Live Facebook and Christmas Lights Videos


Today we make the not so long journey back to Arkansas. Don’t come to our apartment and steal our stuff since the only electronic thing we’re leaving is our TV and that dude is huge and heavy and you’ll herniate yourself and you’ll still be on the floor when we get home. And then you’d look… Continue reading Real Live Facebook and Christmas Lights Videos

I’m Harpyesque

I’ve come to accept in the last couple of days that I’m a hollerer. I start out quiet [Or, as quiet as I can be; I’m pretty loud all the time.] and then escalate to something around the decibel region of a tornado siren. I don’t mean to go there…to that place. I would much rather be… Continue reading I’m Harpyesque