A Rant: You Say Theory. You Mean Hypothesis. Stop. It.


Ok, people. Let’s clear something up. Ready? I’m gonna kindergarten it down for you. Hypothesis: When you have an idea which can be tested. Theory: A hypothesis you’ve tested and your peers have tested and your findings (and their’s) have been replicated by you and your peers. Lots of times. Everything comes out groovy at… Continue reading A Rant: You Say Theory. You Mean Hypothesis. Stop. It.

Channeling the Ant: I Promise It’s Not What You’re Expecting

There’s a double-edged sword thing when it comes to being diagnosed as “cyclothymic.” On the one hand, I count my damn blessings I’m not Bipolar I or II; I cycle too quickly to meet the criteria for either. On the other hand/edge/whatever, I’m still left with murmurs of the aforementioned disorders and they still dick… Continue reading Channeling the Ant: I Promise It’s Not What You’re Expecting

Love Me. Hate Me. Pretending Is Too Damn Exhausting.

reality check

There is something extremely annoying about right now at this time. I have good ideas for things, e.g., post topics, kids’ crafts, showering, but once I get serious about doing any of those things, they just take too damn much effort; I’m just too tired. When I’ve told my therapist about this crushing–Yeah. I know.… Continue reading Love Me. Hate Me. Pretending Is Too Damn Exhausting.

Lawyer Readers? Free Hypothetical Wreck Advice? Not About Me. Nope.

No parking anytime

Who feels like giving–free–legal advice for a hypothetical situation. Hypothetical because this SO didn’t happen to me today. At. All. MY FRIEND–totally not me–stopped by the gas station outside of Walmart to grab a drink. She parked in front of the kiosk thing and left her kids in the car while she ran a short… Continue reading Lawyer Readers? Free Hypothetical Wreck Advice? Not About Me. Nope.

I Don’t Know What To Title This Other Than Receptionists at Shrinks’ Offices Should Have a Sense of Humor


I discovered yesterday that I had overlapping appointments with my counselor and my shrink for today. Called and got the shrink rescheduled for a later time. Told the receptionist she was a “life saver.” Me: “Wait! I don’t mean like LITERALLY a life saver! Don’t tell him I said that! I just mean you really helped me… Continue reading I Don’t Know What To Title This Other Than Receptionists at Shrinks’ Offices Should Have a Sense of Humor

It Was the Moon Not the Sun AKA Cara Needs To Learn Moar Astronomy and Not Wake Us All Up

I shared this picture on Facebook yesterday: Science is cool and planets and other celestial bodies make me happy. What doesn’t make me happy? Cara running into our bedroom at 4:30 this morning screaming, “Wake up, Mommy and Ollie! The sun’s coming up! Wake up!” Go back to the image above and read #1. They should… Continue reading It Was the Moon Not the Sun AKA Cara Needs To Learn Moar Astronomy and Not Wake Us All Up

Why I Will Never Go To Another Public Mental Health Clinic

I wasn’t even making $12k when I was in college. I was broke with a capital I-ain’t-got-no-money. So I did the public mental health clinic thing once a week. Some of the clientele didn’t even try to act normal…maybe they couldn’t. There was this HUGE–woman must have been 6’4″–black lady sitting in front of me… Continue reading Why I Will Never Go To Another Public Mental Health Clinic

Diary Entry 7.31.12

Image |  Squire of Cydonia
writing journal

Yesterday sucked. The end. For the most part it’s still Cara and when she reads this in a couple of years, she’ll understand just how awesome her parents are for letting her live that long. Yeah. When I was younger, I never bought into that whole “Respect your elders,” thing. That makes me a very… Continue reading Diary Entry 7.31.12

Spodee Hooch Wine Review

If you’re looking for a highbrow wine then you’ve come to the wrong place…on so many levels. First off, watch this: The video cracks me up. Just thought you should know. Spodee was a Depression era hooch that mixed up homemade country wines with garden herbs, spices and moonshine. The resulting brew was then put… Continue reading Spodee Hooch Wine Review