It’s Not OK To Let Your Dog Run Loose and You’re an Asshole If You Do

Fabio Trifoni

I have lots of feels tonight, people so you’re basically going to serve as my best-friend/therapist/sounding board/something. Just listen. Err…read. And if you’re feeling all TL:DR, you can get to the main point by clicking here. This is a rather long, ranty, gif filled post of awesome but I know some of you can’t handle… Continue reading It’s Not OK To Let Your Dog Run Loose and You’re an Asshole If You Do

Dentist Drama

I’ve known this day was coming for a long, long time. Six months long time. The kids’ dentist. By myself. At least when Tucker’s with me I’m able to pass one kid off on him and focus on whichever kid I decided to be responsible for. Not today. Today was Oliver’s first official visit and… Continue reading Dentist Drama

Aren’t We Smarter than This?

Why is it that almost every woman that the media interviews concerning the elections always says, “I’m voting for Hillary because she’s a woman and I’m a woman and we need a woman president.” WTF? I really don’t understand this line of thinking. Does that mean that if you’re black, you should automatically vote for… Continue reading Aren’t We Smarter than This?

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I’ve Become a Cracker Addict!

In all honesty, I haven’t become addicted to eating them. I’ve become addicted to the pacifying properties of said crackers. How horrible is that? I have officially become the mom who whips out a bag of crackers when their child starts fussing at the store. This is not the way that things were supposed to… Continue reading I’ve Become a Cracker Addict!

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