Spiderman Dancing to Numa Numa Song or When Cara and Tucker Should Have Been Asleep

One of these days we'll get some bedroom furniture and matching bedding. Really.
Cara and Tucker should totally be asleep.

What happens when I miss a dose of my meds and then take them earlier than normal? I stay up and am productive and schedule posts on Sims 3 Gamer for the next three weeks. Yay for productivity! However, as I’m writing this, it’s after 1100 and Cara is in our bed after an EPIC… Continue reading Spiderman Dancing to Numa Numa Song or When Cara and Tucker Should Have Been Asleep

We’re Not Sure What To Do and the Kids are Driving Us Crazy!

pulling out hair

The screaming and fit throwing started at 0600 with Ollie losing his shit because I dared to cut his peanut butter and jelly toast into four pieces instead of leaving it “big.” Then his sister stumbled into the living room and she lost it for some other reason. Tucker intervened and turned a bit scary.… Continue reading We’re Not Sure What To Do and the Kids are Driving Us Crazy!