Garden Update Bug Edition

The garden has become somewhat of an epic fail. Correction: what’s doing awesome is REALLY doing awesome and what’s sucking is REALLY sucking. The purple basil is something I’m proud of. I managed to raise one plant from seed and the second plant came from me pruning the first. I don’t use this type in… Continue reading Garden Update Bug Edition

Garden Update 50 Bajillion Million!

garden fresh radishes

Other than some thyme, basil and five pea pods, radishes seem to be the only thing I’ve managed to grow–and harvest–with somewhat reliable success. I put them in the measuring cup with water because I wasn’t quite ready to break the news to them that they were heading for my salad; I took that picture… Continue reading Garden Update 50 Bajillion Million!

In My Garden

Radishes and Rainbow Swiss Chard
Radishes and Rainbow Swiss Chard

It’s been about a month since I last wrote about my garden and it’s time to give you an update. Between the last time and now, I’ve managed to kill several plants but keep most of them alive. I’ve started looking at more seeds since my goal is to keep growing through the seasons. Tucker… Continue reading In My Garden