Random Because I Need More Coffee


I’ve made a new discovery. As with all of my “discoveries” I’m a bit late to the party.

Oh well. It’s new to me.

My discovery is Google Trends.

Have you heard of this?

Click on that link [it won’t close this window] and look at some of the things that people are searching.

The things that are listed are the top 100 things that people type into Google.

Soupy sales. What the hell is that?

Sweet Home Alabama lyrics is the most popular search in all of Googledom?! I’m sure that says something about our country…I’m just not sure what.


Have you ever cooked a goose?

Yeah. Me neither.

I woke up this morning and realized that not only is Christmas on Tuesday, but that if we don’t go grocery shopping today, we’ll be eating TV dinners for Christmas.

So, since I’m a glutton for punishment, I think I’m going to do a goose.

Wish me luck.


I finished The Middle Place.

It was good. I enjoyed it.

Kelly Corrigan left a comment on a post where I mentioned her book and I’m thinking about emailing her some questions for my review that’s coming up.

That could be interesting, right?

By Amy @ Taste Like Crazy

I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.