I’m not a big sweets person. Give me a couple of pieces of bacon over a couple of pieces of chocolate any day. But, when I get the urge for some ice cream–and that happens more than I’d like to admit since Tucker’s obsessed with the stuff–I always get vanilla.
Everyone always says vanilla is the most boring flavor but OBVIOUSLY those people are dumb since IceCream.com–Oh, yes. There is such a place.–says people who love vanilla ice cream,
“…[are] colorful, dramatic risk taker[s] who rel[y] more on intuition than logic. Emotionally expressive and idealistic, [they] tend to set high goals for [themselves], and push [themselves] to meet and exceed them. On the romantic front, [they] tend to rely on secure romantic relationships that fulfill [their] emotional needs while working toward future objectives.”
Chef Todd English’s Vanilla Ice Cream
½ split Vanilla bean
2 cups Half-and-half
1 cup Heavy cream
¾ cup Sugar
4 Large egg yolks
½ tsp Kosher salt
Electric Ice-Cream Maker
Scrape seeds from vanilla bean; chop bean.
Bring chopped vanilla bean and seeds, half-and-half, heavy cream and sugar to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.
Remove from heat, transfer to a bowl and let stand 30 minutes.
Stir together egg yolks and salt in a large bowl.
Return vanilla bean mixture to saucepan, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Remove from heat.
Gradually stir about one-fourth of hot vanilla mixture into yolks; add yolk mixture to remaining hot vanilla mixture, stirring constantly.
Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, 3 minutes or until mixture coats the back of a spoon. Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl; discard solids.
Fill a large bowl with ice. Place bowl containing vanilla mixture in ice, and let stand, stirring occasionally, until completely cool (about 3 hours).
Pour mixture into freezer container of a 2-qt electric ice-cream maker, and freeze according to manufacturer’s instructions (instructions may vary according to manufacturer’s instructions) 1½ qt.