Organic Baby Food, Puke and Politics

I got a Gerber coupon flyer in the mail yesterday. You know the ones that are addressed to “Current Occupant”? It made me feel special. Anyway, on the back is a picture of an ADORABLE asexual baby smiling over a bowl of fruit with the tag line – Taste the Organic Side of Gerber. To… Continue reading Organic Baby Food, Puke and Politics

Not Father of the Year Material

Guess who does NOT qualify for Father of the Year. Any ideas? Drum roll please…MY DAD! That’s right folks, he’s fucked up again. You have to understand that this man is an undiagnosed paranoid delusional person. Undiagnosed since the couple of times that he’s been (court ordered) to see a counselor, Dad …

Boobs and What I Think About Them

I just got my new issue of Cookie in the mail. On the cover is a glowing thirty-something mom in a micro-mini dress with a huge rock on her hand, holding an adorable baby boy. To complete the picture perfect mom there is a cute as a button blond little girl holding onto …

The Good, the Bad, and the Jury’s Still Out

Hollyn’s friend, Jennifer, kindly mailed me her copy of The No-Cry Sleep Solution book. She enclosed a handwritten note (great penmanship, by the way!) saying, “Good Luck! Chapter 4 is the one to read if you want the quick read”. I thumbed through the first three chapters. They contained basic safety information about your child’s… Continue reading The Good, the Bad, and the Jury’s Still Out

Guilt and Sorrow

I am so tired of writing about Cara and whether or not she sleeps. Granted, that’s about the only thing that I think about these days. So I’m sure that’s why Cara’s sleep patterns are the only thing I can find to write. Well, last night was the first night that I had any type… Continue reading Guilt and Sorrow

It Sleeps…

I’m actually eating lunch right now. By myself. Can you believe it?! She’s asleep. In her crib. Finally! It’s 13:30 here and she’s been up since around 7. I’m worried that my craziness has either been passed onto her or that it’s rubbing off on her. Julie had a …