20 Things Every #Gifted Child Needs To Know…and Probably Everyone Else, Too

Nervous kid gif

When you’re a gifted, worrying, perfectionist seven year old kid, sometimes all that worry can literally make you sick. I figured listing out the things that WERE going to happen (but maybe she was worried they wouldn’t) would give Cara, my kid, a few less things (20, actually) to stress over. Seems to be working. Maybe it’ll work for you, too. Even if you’re not a seven year old girl.

On Partly Filled Notebooks and Corn Shuck Dolls


Even though there hasn’t been much new content here, I haven’t stopped writing. I got back into the habit of writing things out long-hand in my notebooks. This is how I started way back when I first started Taste Like Crazy. Cara was a (rather loud) baby then and I would sit on our porch… Continue reading On Partly Filled Notebooks and Corn Shuck Dolls

You’re Now Part of the Inner Squash Thing Circle

Baby ninja dragon slayer

This year’s garden had three unexpected residents: crooked neck squash. I like squash just fine (sautéed in bacon grease with onions, thankyouverymuch) but Cara and Ollie hadn’t ever been exposed to the vegetable. This was a “teaching moment” and the kids would grow to love the bumpy, funny shaped, yummy, yellow things. Little problem though.… Continue reading You’re Now Part of the Inner Squash Thing Circle