
*Note – This was originally posted Dec. 9th, 2008. However, I have moved it up so it’s visible again because I have been asked to.* When your average person commits suicide, they do it because they feel dying is the only option left to them.  They are at such a point of despair they can… Continue reading Selfish

Randomness and Blog Whoring, How I Love Thee

Or would that be “thees”? I have a giveaway going on right now so let’s just get that out of the way at the get-go.  Click here to read my review of MilkBank and comment to win your own. Next, you may know [well, you do now] that I write for and I’ve posted… Continue reading Randomness and Blog Whoring, How I Love Thee

Sad Day

A person that I didn’t really know that well committed suicide on Friday; I found out today. I’m not especially sure why I feel the need to tell you this, but maybe I just need to explain why there has been no posting up in here. I’ll write something witty tomorrow. Promise.

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