A Camping We Will Go

My father’s mother’s house sits up on a hill at the edge of some 200 acres of woods. Nights would get so dark I knew if anything was out there to get me, I sure wasn’t going to see it before I got had. During grade school, my father adopted a tiny, white ball of fluff… Continue reading A Camping We Will Go

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Rainy Trip

Memphis Traffic in the Rain

Do you ever have those days when you know that you should write deep and thought provoking things to prove that you’re giving proper reverence to events? OK. So a sentence that was supposed to be simple has turned into this cryptic, convoluted monster but I’m so sick of reading it over and over and… Continue reading Rainy Trip

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Tucker Starts his Job Monday

Tucker’s taking a shower right now. He has to go get his hair cut since he starts his job on Monday. That’s right. Monday. As in the day after the end of this weekend. Good thing we’re going to Alabama this weekend to look at houses. To top it all off, Tucker has to go… Continue reading Tucker Starts his Job Monday

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Week before last we took our SUV in to the SUV doctor and got the fluids flushed and all of this nifty car stuff.  We encountered a complete roadblock on the interstate while the road crew people were repainting lines.  Keep in mind that this was at 9am during the week.  We were at the… Continue reading Roadblock

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The New Stage Moms/Dads

I’ve written this in my head about twenty times today and then decided time and time again to not post it. When you talk about intelligence and kids in the same sentence, people tend to get their panties in a wad. First off, personal experience. I was always the child who preferred adults and much… Continue reading The New Stage Moms/Dads

Labor Day

Not my labor day, but Cara’s. Actually, these are from yesterday but they’re new to you. We had to go and get our infant carrier from Tucker’s parents’ house and Tucker decided to wash the SUV and vacuum it out since we have apparently acquired a family of ants. Anyway, since Tucker doesn’t believe in… Continue reading Labor Day

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This was me at around 15:30 today.  I was not happy.  Can you tell? I used to look like this: I liked this hair cut.  It made me feel pretty and thin and like I looked LIKE A FUCKING GIRL. I’ll try and keep the story short. I got my hair cut like a month… Continue reading Butchered

Rain, Kias and PJs

Did you know that it rains in Florida? You did?! Well, could you please inform the assholes who feel the need to drive with their hazards on when it’s raining? Please? One of the “hazard people” almost took us out. We were in our lane, they were in theirs…with their hazards a blazin’. The next… Continue reading Rain, Kias and PJs

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