The Fastest, Bestest Rolls Ever!

A roll in the hand...or something...
Best rolls evah!

I suck at making rolls. Horrible roll maker. I’ll make bread for you any day–and it will be AMAZING–but please, oh please, don’t ask me to make rolls. They just take so long…and I’m not so great at the waiting thing. I made these Thursday night and then again on Friday and I’ll probably make… Continue reading The Fastest, Bestest Rolls Ever!

Bink and Gollie Kids’ Book Review and Giveaway

Bink and Gollie was sent to us a few weeks ago with the press release giving the suggested age rang of between six and eight. Old for Cara but we’ve never payed much attention to age suggestions on stuff. Glad I didn’t let the age range scare me off. The story is about two friends… Continue reading Bink and Gollie Kids’ Book Review and Giveaway

Ragu No Frying Chicken Parmesan Review and $100 Giveaway

This is a sponsored review from BlogHer and RagĂș. There are two vegetables I can get Cara and Ollie to eat: green beans and corn. Other than those two, my chance of getting anything resembling a vegetable into them is slim to none. People have suggested I “sneak” veggies into sauces and substitute vegetables for… Continue reading Ragu No Frying Chicken Parmesan Review and $100 Giveaway