Top Five YouTube Gaming Videos for This Week

Multimedia Birds
Image | James Nash (aka Cirrus)
It’s Saturday and know what that means?

Time to watch some YouTube and do absolutely nothing of any worth. But it’s Saturday so you shouldn’t feel bad.

Bring on the sloth!

Not this sloth:

Sloth animated gif

This sloth:

Stormtrooper Sloth
Image | Stéfan

#5 League of Legends – Fiora Art Spotlight

#4 Mass Effect 3: Fight (Live-Action TV Trailer)

#3 Top Scariest Moments of Gaming! episode 7

#2 Angry Birds Space: Discovery

#1 League of Legends – Fiora Patch Preview

By Amy @ Taste Like Crazy

I am a writer. I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a gamer. I am riddled with ADD. Order changes daily.