Cara Drew a Big Mommy Reaper from Mass Effect

Mass Effect 3 Reaper Drawing

I was writing that odd post yesterday and Cara decided it was time for her to get her drawing on. Apparently the Reapers in Mass Effect have made an impression on her since she presented me with this: Here’s Sovereign, a Reaper, from the first Mass Effect. Kid did a pretty good job considering she… Continue reading Cara Drew a Big Mommy Reaper from Mass Effect

Gaming Video of the Week that Means Something To Me: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Launch

Last Saturday I posted the “Top Five YouTube Gaming Videos for This Week” and I had planned on doing that for this week. And I missed Saturday. Because I was watching Tucker play Mass Effect 3. [affiliate link] I don’t play Mass Effect. I haven’t EVER played Mass Effect. I watch Tucker play. The story… Continue reading Gaming Video of the Week that Means Something To Me: Mass Effect 3

Top Five YouTube Gaming Videos for This Week

Multimedia Birds

It’s Saturday and know what that means? Time to watch some YouTube and do absolutely nothing of any worth. But it’s Saturday so you shouldn’t feel bad. Bring on the sloth! Not this sloth: This sloth: #5 League of Legends – Fiora Art Spotlight #4 Mass Effect 3: Fight (Live-Action TV Trailer) #3… Continue reading Top Five YouTube Gaming Videos for This Week

Shoving At the Comfort Line

I’ve been trying to figure out why it’s taken me so long to write a follow-up post to the “Where Do I Go From Here?” post and I’ve come to a couple of conclusions. First and foremost is the fact that I knew I needed to respond to your comments and I just didn’t have… Continue reading Shoving At the Comfort Line